Donald Trump in numbers: Marriages, net worth and bankruptcies - a look at the potential future president
All the important numbers for the Republican nominee

Times he sued a reporter: 1 (Timothy L O'Brien of The New York Times)
Times he sued a country: 1 (Scotland)
Times sued by Men’s Rights Activists: 1
Pending legal battles: 75
Lawsuits accused of mistreating women: 20
Women accusing him of sexual assault: 13
Total number of lawsuits named in: 3,500
Honorary degrees revoked: 1 (Robert Gordon University in Scotland)
Honorary degree: 1 (University of Liberty’s business school)
Keys to the city: 1 (Doral, Florida)
Razzies won: 1 (Worst Supporting Actor for Ghosts Can't Do It in 1990)
Political parties: 2
Marriages: 3
Changes to his stance on abortion: 4
Bankruptcies: 4
Children: 5
Companies who axed him after his Mexico comments: 15
Books published: 16
Seasons on The Apprentice or Celebrity Apprentice: 21
Buildings with his name featured: 42
Floors in Trump Tower: 58
Amount he charged for speeches in 2015: $250,000
His claimed worth: $10 billion
His proven net worth: $4 billion
Length of his wall between the US and Mexico: 2,000 miles