Donald Trump reportedly told reporter: 'Nothing in the world like first-rate p***y'
The White House has yet to comment on the claim

Donald Trump once reportedly leered at a young woman and told a journalist sitting with him “there is nothing in the world like first-rate p***y”.
Thirteen months ago, Mr Trump campaign for the White House appeared to have struck by a scandal that would derail him when video footage recorded in 2005 for Access Hollywood, emerged in which he boasted about sexually assaulting women. In footage that was never broadcast but revealed 11 years later by the Washington Post, Mr Trump told the show’s host you could get away with anything if you were a celebrity.
Mr Trump somehow survived the revelation; just hours later, Wikileaks published emails belonging to Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager that sought to divert attention from the story.
Now it has been reported by the Daily Beast that while Mr Trump was being profiled in 2000 for the now-defunct Maximum Golf magazine, the real estate pointed to a young socialite at his Mar-a-Lago and made the comment to reporter Michael Corcoran.
The comment did make it into the finished article but the reporter and an editor conformed to the Beast that it was indeed said.
Mr Corcoran said he was a guest on Mr Trump’s private jet as it flew from New York to Florida.
Also on the 727 were billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, a registered sex offender who was convicted in 2008 of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution, and socialite Ghislaine Maxwell. Both were running late.
Mr Corcoran, who did not know the pair at the time, said Mr Trump stood in the doorway of the plane and shouted at them: “You broke the cardinal rule, Jeffery! Never be late for someone else’s plane.”
The White House has yet to respond to the allegation.
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