Donald Trump Jr pummeled on Twitter for going after Bezos’ treatment of Amazon workers
‘Is Daddy ever gonna pay the contractors he stiffed in Atlantic City?’ one Twitter user replied

After Jeff Bezos said Amazon employees “paid for” his brief trip to space, Donald Trump Jr wrote a pithy reply to him on Twitter.
“They sure did. I bet they’d rather have gotten a raise,” the former president’s son wrote. To many Twitter users, however, Mr Trump’s concern for blue collar workers seemed disingenuous.
“Ha! At least they get paid,” one user replied. “It’s so often talked about how your father is the king of stiffing workers. Been doing it for years.”
“What’s the starting pay for housekeeping at any of your hotels?” another wrote.
“Is Daddy ever gonna pay the contractors he stiffed in Atlantic City?” someone else asked.
The elder Donald Trump has long been accused of not paying his contractors, from construction workers to piano suppliers. In a 2016 presidential debate, he shrugged off stiffing one associate, saying, “Maybe he didn’t do a good job and I was unsatisfied with his work.”
Some wondered if the ex-president’s son was less concerned with the plight of Amazon’s workers, and more motivated by his personal dislike for Mr Bezos, with whom his father has publicly feuded in the past.
“Gee, because you do not like the man you want him to raise wages,” one wrote. “How about raises for all your employees?”
“Like you care!” another wrote simply.
Amazon has long been accused of paying its workers low wages, despite the company’s vast wealth. By one union’s estimate, it takes the average Amazon warehouse worker eight weeks to earn what Mr Bezos makes in a second.
As some pointed out, the former president’s son’s comment also appeared to clash with the politics of the Trump administration, which opposed raising the minimum wage to $15.
“Very funny Junior,” one person wrote. “Apparently you forgot Republicans didn’t want minimum wage increased.”
Others, resentful of Mr Bezos’ vainglorious space trip, were at least willing to say Mr Trump had a point.
“First thing I think I have ever agreed with you on,” one wrote. “Still hate you though.”
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