Canadian police officer smashes motorist's window after driver refuses to exit car
Unidentified man claims that he was 'physically assaulted' and 'emotionally traumatised' by the incident

Shocking footage has emerged of the moment a Canadian police officer smashes a driver’s window in after the man requests to know why he has been unexpectedly pulled over.
The video, posted on YouTube yesterday, records an unidentified driver politely requesting to know why he has been pulled over late at night in Vancouver police district in November.
When he refuses to exit his car, repeatedly asking “Why have you pulled me over,” the situation escalates sharply.
“Open this door. I am not playing this game,” the officer says. “You’re under arrest,” he adds.
“You have to tell me why I am under arrest,” the motorist responds. “Sir, you pulled me over for a motor vehicle violation.”
The officer tells the driver that he is under arrest because he can smell marijuana and warns he will break the window “in two seconds” if he fails to comply.
The video, posted by an individual known only as Bodhi Sattva, has already been viewed thousands of times.
Beneath it, Bodhi Sattva writes: “After smashing my window and physically assaulting and emotionally traumatizing me the officers perform a roadside examination and found that i [sic] was not impaired or under the influence.”
Vancouver police claim that the incident resulted in the driver being charged with possession of a controlled substance, possession for the purposes of trafficking and obstructing a police officer.
As the case is presently being heard in court, CBC News reports that the local force will not discuss the incident.
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