US election: Celebrations erupt across America as Biden named next president

In Philadelphia, Biden supporters danced to a marching band on one side of street as Trump supporters protested 'stop the count on the other

Justin Vallejo
New York
Saturday 07 November 2020 18:45 GMT
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From New York to Los Angeles, cheering, screaming and honking erupted in the streets as Joe Biden was named 46th President of the United States.

After he was declared winner of Pennsylvania by the Associated Press, at 11.27am eastern time, and its crucial 20 electoral college votes, Americans began sharing videos of celebrations erupting across the country.

Read more: Joe Biden wins the 2020 US election - follow live updates

Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington DC was flooded with Biden supporters, as news spread like wildfire and other news organisations like Fox News and CNN began following the projection for a Biden-Harris White House.

People were seen dancing on balconies, hugging on sidewalks, crying in their cars and popping champagne bottles at crosswalks.

As the the offical count dragged into its fifth day and a Biden-Harris administration began to look more likely, supporters didn't wait for the official call to be made.  

Impromptu celebrations started breaking out as early as Friday evening in major cities. A police escort followed hundreds through Washington Square Park in Manhattan on Friday night and by Saturday morning the party spontaneously combusted wherever people where when they heard the news.

Read more: Can Trump run again in 2024? 

Similar scenes played out in the cities key to Biden victory in the Rust Belt that helped flip Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin back to Democrat.  

In Philadelphia, supporters of Mr Biden danced to a marching band on one side of the street as supporters of Donald Trump protested on the other side of the street to “stop the count”.

In Lansing, Michigan, Black Lives Matter demonstrators filled the steps of the Capitol as the crowd began singing “Amazing Grace” while supporters of Mr Trump bowed their heads together and prayed.

Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer joined the masses singing in Brooklyn’s Grand Army Plaza to raise a fist in victory as the crowd sang “Hey Hey Goodbye”.

New York City’s Times Square got its energy back after months of coronavirus lockdowns cast a pall over the famous epicentre of Manhattan. On Saturday, people were drawn back to share in the moment of celebration.

Outside the convention centre in Philadelphia, the crowds began reclaiming some of the greatest hits from the Trump campaign’s MAGA rallies. Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the USA played over the loudspeakers as people celebrated to its “I’m proud to be an American” lyrics.

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