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Capitol riots: Chief says back-up denied over ‘optics’, as 15,000 troops requested ahead of ‘uprising’

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Gino Spocchia,Justin Vallejo
Tuesday 12 January 2021 00:57 GMT
House speaker Nancy Pelosi
House speaker Nancy Pelosi (AP)

Ousted police chief Steve Sund said he requested help or back up six times before and during the Capitol riots but was denied over the “optics”.

In his first interview since resigning, Sund said he asked House and Senate security officials permission to request the National Guard be placed on standby but that House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving wasn’t comfortable with the “optics” of formally declaring an emergency ahead of pro-Trump demonstrations.

The insight into what went wrong comes as the FBI warned an 'armed uprising' could take place in all 50 state capitols between now and the inauguration of Joe Biden if Congress moves to remove Donald Trump before 20 January.

As a result, the Pentagon has approved an additional 15,000 National Guard to be deployed or remain on stand by to for Inauguration Day.

Democrats, meanwhile, introduced an article of impeachment to the floor of the House of Representatives as lawmakers prepare to vote on a  resolution asking the vice president, Mike Pence, to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Donald Trump from office.  

For his part, Pence reportedly had his first call with Trump since the riot and committed to working together until the end of his term, appearing to douse speculation he could invoke the 25th Amendment to remove the president from office.

With Republicans expected to resist the unanimous resolution, it is likely to return to the floor for a full vote on Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said. From that point, Pence will have 24 hours to respond, and if not the House will move to impeach the president.  

In conversation with House Republicans, House GOP minority leader Kevin McCarthy reportedly said Trump bears some responsibility for the riot at the US Capitol. Even so, he said opposes impeachment but would be open to supporting a motion of censuring the president.

The work to remove Trump comes as his supporters planned to protest outside Twitter’s HQ in San Francisco, furious at the firm for suspending the outgoing president’s account.  

Twenty people have now been arrested and await trial for their roles in the assault on Congress, while a Capitol Police officer who was videoed bravely confronting rioters inside the halls of Congress has been named as Eugene Goodman. 

At least two Capitol police officers were suspended for taking selfies with rioters, while one was supposedly arrested for wearing a Maga hat and leading them around, according to Chair of the House subcommittee that oversees Capitol Police, congressman Tim Ryan.


‘Armed group intending to travel to Washington DC on 16 January’

A memo from the FBI has warned that an ‘armed group’ was planning to rally in Washington DC in under a weeks time, NBC News’s Aaron Katersky reported, alongside demonstrations in 50 state capitols. 

The memo raises concerns around further violence, after the president’s supporters stormed the Capitol last week. 

Gino Spocchia11 January 2021 18:05

BREAKING: Trump gives Medal of Freedom to Jim Jordan

Donald Trump has awarded Ohio Republican Jim Jordan the presidential medal of freedom, the highest US civilian honour. 

Mr Jordan has been one of the president’s strongest allies on Capitol Hill, continuing to object to his electoral defeat last week. His objections to the vote certification failed and President-elect Joe Biden was eventually confirmed when Congress returned following the riot on Capitol Hill.

The Independent’s Chris Riotta has more.

Trump gives Medal of Freedom to Jim Jordan who voted against accepting election results after deadly riot

President Donald Trump has awarded Ohio Republican Jim Jordan the presidential medal of freedom, the highest US civilian honor, after he continued to object to the certification of the 2020 elections following a violent pro-Trump mob attack on the Capitol. 

Justin Vallejo11 January 2021 18:22

BREAKING: Democratic says she has Covid after Capitol riot

New Jersey Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman tested positive for Covid-19 after sheltering with maskless members of Congress during the storming of the Capitol.

Ms Watson Coleman put out a statement saying that she “believes she was exposed during protective isolation in the U.S. Capitol building as a result of insurrectionist riots”.  

Linking to an article by The Washington Post  the statement said “a number of members within the space ignored instructions to wear masks”.

Gustaf Kilander has more.

Democratic politician says she has Covid after sheltering during riot with maskless GOP members

Numerous Republicans maskless as they shelter with other members during storming of Capitol

Justin Vallejo11 January 2021 18:37

Up to 15,000 additional National Guard requested in DC ahead of more protests and inauguration

At least 10,000 National Guard troops will deploy to Washington DC by Saturday, with another 5,000 on stand-by to bolster the existing 6,200 troops already in the city.

National Guard Bureau chief, General Daniel Hokanson, told reporters the number of troops was changing by the hour based on requirements of the Secret Service, Capitol Police and Park Police ahead of Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Justin Vallejo11 January 2021 18:52

ACLU warns of ‘unchecked power’ of big tech for banning Trump amid calls for investigation of Amazon, Google and Apple

The American Civil Liberties Union has warned the "unchecked power" of big tech companies to de-platform a US president could be turned against anyone to discriminate against political speech on social media.

The warning comes amid calls for a racketeering investigation as Donald Trump and his supporters become de-personed from Twitter and Facebook, while competing platform Parler was booted from Amazon, Apple and Google.

While the ACLU called for the impeachment of Mr Trump in part for using the platforms to seed doubt about the results of the election, its senior legislative counsel Kate Ruane said in a statement that the implications of big tech using its power to remove political speech is a concern for all Americans.

"We understand the desire to permanently suspend him now, but it should concern everyone when companies like Facebook and Twitter wield the unchecked power to remove people from platforms that have become indispensable for the speech of billions – especially when political realities make those decisions easier," Ms Ruane said in the statement.

ACLU warns of ‘unchecked power’ of big tech for banning Trump

The Supreme Court is deciding this week whether to hear a First Amendment case against the president for blocking users from his now-defunct Twitter account

Justin Vallejo11 January 2021 19:05

Parler sues Amazon over removal following big tech’s purge in the wake of Capitol riots

Parler LLC, a social networking service favored by many supporters of US President Donald Trump, sued Inc on Monday, accusing its internet hosting service of making an illegal, politically motivated decision to shut down its account.

In an antitrust complaint filed with the U.S. District Court in Seattle, Parler accused Amazon of hypocrisy for suggesting a lack of confidence it could police its platform, including by finding and removing content that encouraged violence.

Parler said Amazon Web Services shut down its account on Sunday night despite making no threats to suspend Twitter Inc , where it said one of the top-trending tweets on Friday night had been “Hang Mike Pence,” the U.S. vice president.

“AWS’s decision to effectively terminate Parler’s account is apparently motivated by political animus,” the complaint said. “Parler has not only lost current and future customers, but Parler has also been unable to find an alternative web hosting company. In short, AWS false claims have made Parler a pariah.” - Reuters

Justin Vallejo11 January 2021 19:20

Capitol Police chief says back-up denied over ‘optics’

Ousted chief Steve Sund said he requested help or back up six times before and during the Capitol riots but was denied over the “optics”.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Sund said he asked House and Senate security officials permission to request the National Guard be placed on standby but that House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving wasn’t comfortable with the “optics” of formally declaring an emergency ahead of pro-Trump demonstrations.

He said five more requests for help during the riots were rejected or delayed, including a call to the Pentagon pleading for immediate assistance on Wednesday afternoon.

According to Mr Sund, director of the Army Staff, Walter E Piatt, said he didn’t “like the visual of the National Guard standing a police line with the Capitol in the background”.

John Falcicchio, chief of staff for the DC mayor, told The Post that Sund said “the situation is dire” again and again.

“Literally, this guy is on the phone, I mean, crying out for help. It’s burned in my memories,” Mr Falcicchio said.

Justin Vallejo11 January 2021 19:35

‘QAnon Congresswoman’ Lauren Boebert faces calls to resign after tweeting information about Nancy Pelosi during Capitol riot

Lauren Boebert is facing calls for her resignation after tweeting out information about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the attack on the US Capitol that left five dead.

Ms Boebert has been called the "QAnon Congresswoman" for saying she hopes the baseless conspiracy theory alleging a demonic global paedophile ring that includes the majority of US Democratic politicians and features secret executions, clones and a mass, apocalyptic reckoning called "The Storm" is "real."  

She has said she is not a QAnon follower, but said she was glad that the US Attorney General was investigating "deep state" activities.

Graig Graziosi has the story.

Justin Vallejo11 January 2021 19:50

ICYMI: Armed group ‘planning huge uprising’ in DC if Trump removed by 25th amendment, according to report

The Independent’s Graeme Massie has more on the armed protests planned at all 50 state capitols over the next week.

The FBI has also received information that pro-Trump extremists are also calling for the “storming” of state, federal and local government buildings and courthouses of the president is removed before Joe Biden’s inauguration.

"Armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols from 16 January through at least 20 January, and at the US Capitol from 17 January through 20 January," the bulletin reportedly states.

Justin Vallejo11 January 2021 20:05

BREAKING: State Department website mysteriously claims ‘Trump’s term ended’ today

Donald Trump’s biography on the US Department of State website says only that the president’s term has ended, as of 11 January 2020.

The page was edited at least twice, with two different times, reading “Donald J. Trump's term ended on 2021-01-11 19:49:00” and "Donald J. Trump's term ended on 2021-01-11 19:22:18."

The Independent has requested comment from the State Department; the White House has reportedly referred comment to the State Department.

Alex Woodward is following the story as it unfolds.

State Department website mysteriously claims ‘Trump’s term ended’ today

Donald Trump’s biography on the US Department of State website says only that the president’s term has ended, as of 11 January 2020.

Justin Vallejo11 January 2021 20:30

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