Unmanned X-47B jet makes history after successfully landing on aircraft carrier

In a first for the American navy, an unmanned X-47B jet has successfully landed on an aircraft carrier off the coast of Virginia.
The manoeuvre is thought to be one of the most challenging to perform in naval aviation, testing even the most experienced of pilots. However, the aircraft landed on the deck of the USS George H.W.Bush without any problems.
The drone has been in development for years and uses GPS coordinates and advanced technology to carry out missions. It is the first drone to be able to refuel, takeoff and land without human intervention, relying on computers to control it.
Drones are currently controlled by humans and the results of this test landing marks a new era for naval aviation. The 'Salty dog 502' as it has been nicknamed performed the manoeuvre again to prove that the landing was not a one-off.
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