Teenager in critical condition after helicopter crashes near Pearl Harbour

Video has emerged showing the terrifying moment when a helicopter lands in the water near Pearl Harbour.

Ryan Ramgobin
Friday 19 February 2016 12:24 GMT
Helicopter crash near Pearl Harbour

A 16-year-old boy is in a critical condition after a helicopter with five people on board crashed into Pearl Harbour.

Honolulu Emergency Services Department spokeswoman Shayne Enright said responders treated the teenager and took him to a hospital immediately.

"We are told bystanders jumped in to help rescue these patients from the water.”

Teenager in critical condition after helicopter crashes in water near Pearl Harbour
Teenager in critical condition after helicopter crashes in water near Pearl Harbour

Shawn Winrich captured the helicopter’s hard landing; the footage shows it descending rapidly into the water.

His daughter, Justice Winrich, told KGMB-TV: "I saw it like as it was coming in, and it looked pretty normal. It didn't look like it was shaking or anything. It just started like getting really close this way and started going down.”

“"I was like, oh my God, I can't believe this just happened. It was crazy. You go on vacation and you never think you're going to see something like that."

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