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Roll-call of victims of the assault on America

Friday 14 September 2001 00:00 BST

From the salesman, the banker, the computer consultant and the actress, to the engineer, the accountant, the pensioner and the priest, the names of those who died aboard the four hijacked airliners reads like a cross-section of American society. The passenger lists, were grim reading for families across the United States, confirming what they already knew, but were struggling to admit: that the lives of their loved ones had been taken in the cruellest possible way. Â

From the salesman, the banker, the computer consultant and the actress, to the engineer, the accountant, the pensioner and the priest, the names of those who died aboard the four hijacked airliners reads like a cross-section of American society. The passenger lists, were grim reading for families across the United States, confirming what they already knew, but were struggling to admit: that the lives of their loved ones had been taken in the cruellest possible way.


The Boeing 767 en route from Boston to Los Angeles was carrying 81 passengers, nine flight attendants and two pilots. It was the first to crash into the World Trade Centre.

Crew: John Ogonowski, 52, Dracut, Massachusetts, captain; Tom McGuinness, 42, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, first officer. Flight attendants: Barbara Arestegui; Jeffrey Collman; Sara Low, 28, Batesville, Arkansas; Karen Martin; Kathleen Nicosia; Betty Ong; Jean Roger; Dianne Snyder, 42, Westport, Massachusetts; Madeline Sweeney.

Passengers: Anna Williams Allison, 48, Stoneham, Massachusetts; David Angell, 54, Pasadena, California, executive producer, NBC's Frasier; Lynn Angell, Pasadena, ; Seima Aoyama; Myra Aronson; Christine Barbuto, 32, buyer for ladies sportswear, TJX, Framingham, Massachusetts; Berry Berenson, 53, Los Angeles, actress and photographer; Carolyn Beug, 48, Santa Monica, California; Carol Bouchard, 43, Warwick, Rhode Island, Kent County, hospital emergency room secretary; Robin Caplin, Natick, Massachusetts; Neili Casey, 32, merchandise planning manager, TJX, Framingham, Massachusetts; Jeffrey Coombs, 42, Abington, Massachusetts, technology consultant, Compaq Global Services; Tara Creamer, 30, Worcester, Massachusetts; Thelma Cuccinello, 71, Wilmot, New Hampshire; Patrick Currivan; Andrew Curry Green, Chelmsford, Massachusetts; Brian Dale; David DiMeglio, Wakefield, Massachusetts; Donald Ditullio; Albert Dominguez; Alex Filipov, 70, Concord, Massachusetts; Carol Flyzik, 40, Plaistow, New Hampshire, medical computer equipment demonstrator for Meditech; Paul Friedman; Karleton DB Fyfe, 31, Brookline, Massachusetts; Peter Gay, 54, Taunton, Massachusetts, vice-president of operations, Electronic Systems, Raytheon; Linda George, 27, buyer, TJX, Framingham, Massachusetts; Edmund Glazer, 41, Chatsworth, California, chief financial officer, MRV Communications; Lisa Fenn Gordenstein, 41, assistant vice-president and merchandise manager, TJX, Framingham, Massachusetts; Paige Farley Hackel, 46, Newton, Massachusetts; Peter Hashem; Robert Hayes; Ted Hennessey, 35, Belmont, Massachusetts; John Hofer; Cora Holland; Nicholas Humber; Robert Jalbert, 61, Swampscott, Massachusetts; John Jenkins; Charles Jones, 48, Bedford, Massachusetts; Robin Kaplan, 33, senior store equipment specialist, TJX, Framingham, Massachusetts; Barbara Keating; David Kovalcin, 42, Hudson, New Hampshire, senior mechanical engineer, Raytheon; Judy Larocque; Jude Larson, 31, Los Angeles; Natalie Larson, Los Angeles; N Janis Lasden; Daniel John Lee, 34, Los Angeles; Daniel C Lewin, 31, co-founder of Akamai Technologies; Chris Mello, 25, Boston; Jeff Mladenik, Hinsdale, Illinois; Antonio Montoya; Carlos Montoya; Laura Lee Morabito, 34, Framingham, Massachusetts, national sales manager for Qantas Airways; Mildred Naiman; Laurie Neira; Renee Newell, 37, Cranston, Rhode Island, customer service agent at American Airlines; Jacqueline Norton, 60, Lubec, Maine, retiree; Robert Norton, 82, Lubec, Maine; Jane Orth, Haverhill, Massachusetts; Thomas Pecorelli; Bernthia Perkins; Sonia Morales Puopolo, 58, of Massachusetts, former ballet dancer; David Retik, Needham, Massachusetts; Philip Rosenzweig, Massachusetts, executive with Sun Microsystems in Boston; Richard Ross, 58, Newton, Massachusetts; James Roux, 43, Portland, Maine, attorney; Jessica Sachs, 22, accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers; Heath Smith; Douglas Stone, 54, Dover, New Hampshire; James Trentini; Mary Trentini; Mary Wahlstrom, 78, Kaysville, Utah; Kenneth Waldie, 46, Methuen, Massachusetts, senior quality control engineer, Raytheon Co; John Wenckus; Candace Lee Williams, 20, Danbury, Connecticut; Christopher Zarba Junior.


The Boeing 767 bound from Boston to Los Angeles was carrying 56 passengers, two pilots and seven flight attendants. It crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Centre.

Crew: Victor Saracini, 51, Lower Makefield Township, Pennsylvania, captain;

Michael Horrocks, first officer. Flight attendants: Robert Fangman; Amy Jarrett, 28, North Smithfield, Rhode Island; Amy R. King; Kathryn L Laborie; Alfred G Marchand, 44, Alamogordo, New Mexico; Michael C. Tarrou; Alicia N Titus, 28.

Passengers: Alona Avraham Garnet "Ace" Bailey, 53, Lynnfield, Massachusetts, director of pro scouting, Los Angeles Kings; Mark Bavis, 31, West Newton, Massachusetts, scout, Los Angeles Kings; Graham Berkeley; Klaus Bothe, 31, chief of development, BCT Technology AG, Germany; Daniel Brandhorst; David Brandhorst; John Cahill, Wellesley, Massachusetts; Christoffer Carstanjen, 33, Turner Falls, Massachusetts, computer research specialist at University of Massachusetts; John Corcoran; Dorothy Dearaujo; Gloria de Barrera; Lisa Frost, 22, Rancho Santa Margarita, California; Ronald Gamboa, 33, Los Angeles; Lynn Goodchild, 25, Attleboro, Massachusetts; Rev Francis Grogan, 76, Catholic priest, North Dartmouth, Massachusetts; Carl Hammond, 37, Boston; Peter Hanson, 32, Groton, Massachusetts; Susan Hanson, 35, Groton, Massachusetts; Christine Hanson, three, Groton, Massachusetts; Gerald Hardacre; Eric Hartono, 18, Los Angeles, university student; James E. Hayden, 47, Westford, Massachusetts; Roberta Jalbert; Ralph Kershaw; Heinrich Kimmig, 43, chairman of BCT Technology AG, Germany; Brian Kinney, 29, Lowell, Massachusetts; Robert LeBlanc, 70, Lee, New Hampshire, professor emeritus of geography, University of New Hampshire; Maclovio "Joe" Lopez Junior, 41, Norwalk, California; Marianne MacFarlane; Louis Neil Mariani, 59, Derry, New Hampshire; Juliana Valentine McCourt, four, New London, Connecticut; Ruth McCourt, 45, New London, Connecticut; Wolfgang Menzel, 60, personnel manager, BCT Technology AG, Germany; Shawn Nassaney, 25, Pawtucket, Rhode Island; Patrick Quigley; Frederick Rimmele, Marblehead, Massachusetts, physician; Jesus Sanchez, 45, Hudson, Massachusetts, off-duty flight attendant; Kathleen Shearer, Dover, New Hampshire; Robert Shearer, Dover, New Hampshire; Jane Simpkin; Brian Sweeney, 38, Barnstable, Massachusetts; Timothy Ward, San Diego, Rubio's Restaurants executive; Bill Weems, Marblehead, Massachusetts, commercial producer.


The Boeing 757 en route from Dulles Airport near Washington to Los Angeles was carrying 58 passengers, four flight attendants and two pilots and crashed into the Pentagon.

Crew: Charles Burlingame, captain; David Charlebois, first officer. Flight attendants: Michele Heidenberger, 57, Chevy Chase, Maryland; Jennifer Lewis, 38, Culpepper, Virginia; Kenneth Lewis, 49, Culpepper, Virginia; Renee May, 39, Baltimore.

Passengers: Paul Ambrose, 32, physician; Yemen Betru; MJ Booth; Bernard Brown, 11, student, Leckie Elementary School; Suzanne Calley, 42, San Martin, California, employee of Cisco Systems; William Caswell; Sarah Clark, 65, Columbia, Maryland, sixth-grade teacher from Backus Middle School in Washington; Asia Cottom, 11, student at Backus Elementary School in Washington; James Debeuneure, 58, Upper Marlboro, Maryland, fifth-grade teacher at Ketcham Elementary School in Washington; Rodney Dickens, 11, student at Leckie Elementary School in Washington; Eddie Dillard; Charles Droz; Barbara Edwards, 58, schoolteacher at Palo Verde High School in Las Vegas; Charles S Falkenberg, 45, lead software engineer for ECOlogic Corp, University Park, Maryland; Zoe Falkenberg, 8, University Park, Maryland; Dana Falkenberg, 3, University Park, Maryland; James Ferguson; Bud Flagg, Millwood, Virginia, retired Navy admiral and pilot for American Airlines; Dee Flagg, Millwood, Virginia; Richard Gabriel; Ian Gray, 55, Washington, president of health care consulting firm; Stanley Hall, 68, Rancho Palos Verdes, California, director of program management, Raytheon; Bryan Jack, 48, Alexandria, Virginia, senior executive at Defense Department; Steve "Jake" Jacoby, 43, chief operating officer, Metrocall; Ann Judge, 49, Virginia, a National Geographic employee; Chandler Keller, Boeing propulsion engineer in El Segundo, California; Yvonne Kennedy; Norma Khan; Karen A Kincaid, 40, Washington lawyer, Wiley Rein & Fielding; Norma Langsteuerle; Dong Lee, employee of Boeing; Dora Menchaca, 45, Santa Monica, California; Christopher Newton, 38, Long Beach, California; Barbara Olson, 45, TV commentator and lawyer; Ruben Ornedo, Boeing propulsion engineer in El Segundo, California; Lisa Raines, 42, senior vice president of biotechnology firm; Todd Reuben, 40, Potomac, Maryland, Washington attorney; John Sammartino; Diane Simmons; George Simmons; Mari-Rae Sopper; Robert Speisman, 47, Irvington, New York; Hilda Taylor, sixth-grade teacher at Leckie Elementary School in Washington; Leonard Taylor; Sandra Teague; Leslie A Whittington, 45, University Park, Maryland, Georgetown University professor; John Yamnicky, 71, Waldorf, Maryland; Vicki Yancey; Yang Shuyin; Zheng Yuguang.


The Boeing 757 en route from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco was carrying 38 passengers, two pilots and five flight attendants. It crashed south-east of Pittsburgh.

Crew: Jason Dahl, 43, Denver, Colorado, captain; Leroy Homer, Marlton, New Jersey, first officer. Flight attendants: Lorraine G Bay; Sandra W Bradshaw, 38, Greensboro, New C.; Wanda A Green; CeeCee Lyles, Fort Myers, Florida; Deborah A Welsh.

Passengers: Christian Adams; Todd Beamer; Alan Beaven, 48, Oakland, California, lawyer with Berman DeValerio Pease Tabacco Burt & Pucillo; Mark Bingham, 31, San Francisco; Deora Bodley, 20, Santa Clara, university student; Marion Britton; Thomas E. Burnett Jr, 38, senior vice president and chief operating officer, Thoratec Corp; William Cashman; Georgine Corrigan; Joseph Deluca; Patrick Driscoll; Edward Felt; Colleen Fraser; Andrew Garcia; Jeremy Glick; Lauren Grandcolas, San Rafael, California, sales worker at Good Housekeeping magazine; Donald F Greene, 52, Greenwich, Connecticut; Linda Gronlund; Richard Guadagno, 38, northern California; Toshiya Kuge; Waleska Martinez; Nicole Miller; Mark Rothenberg; Christine Snyder, 32, Kailua, Hawaii; John Talignani; Honor Wainio.


Ray Downey, firefighter, chief of special operations command; William Feehan, first deputy commissioner of New York Fire Department; Peter Ganci, New York Fire Department chief; Rev Mychal Judge, New York Fire Department chaplain; Yamel Merino, 24, Yonkers, New York, emergency medical technician for Metro Care Ambulance Co.


Terry Lynch, consultant for New York's Booz-Allen & Hamilton and former congressional staffer.

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