Republican starts 'Ready for Kanye' PAC for Kanye West's presidential run

'We think he is a champion of a lot of issues and he has an interesting perspective'

Justin Carissimo
Tuesday 01 September 2015 21:14 BST
Kanye West accepts the Vanguard Awarda at this year's VMAs.
Kanye West accepts the Vanguard Awarda at this year's VMAs. (Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)

A young, black Republican has started a fund to support Kanye West’s newly announced presidential campaign.

Eugene Craig III, chairman of the Young Minority Republicans Fund, recently filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to register the aptly titled Political Action Committee "Ready for Kanye." The 24-year-old told Reuters that he hoped West would consider running as a Republican.

"We think he is a champion of a lot of issues and he has an interesting perspective. (The PAC) is not just a joke," he said.

Craig also spoke with Rolling Stone, admitting that Mr West's public views are overwhelmingly liberal.

"I know he came up in the Chicago Democrat machine, but I think Kanye is somebody who is cross-cultural, and I think he is somebody who can be cross-political," he said. "I think he will bring an interesting dialogue to our party, and he'll find a lot of people who want that dialogue. He’s pointed out the crippling racial disparities in the law and the economy. He’s talked about the pipeline of private prisons. He's a genuine entrepreneur. Oh, not to mention that his first big single was 'Jesus Walks.'"

Meanwhile, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest also commented on Mr West's newly found political ambitions on Monday.

"[We look] forward to seeing what slogan he chooses to embroider on his campaign hat," he told the Associated Press, referencing Donald Trump's "Make America Great" campaign apparell.

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