Protesters build taco truck 'wall' outside Donald Trump's Las Vegas hotel
Last month, a Trump surrogate warned of 'taco trucks on every corner' – looks like they got their wish

Ever since he launched his campaign more than a year ago, Donald Trump has promised to build a wall along the border between the United States and Mexico.
But hours before the debate, protesters built a different type of wall around one of Mr Trump’s lavish hotels in Las Vegas – a wall made of taco trucks.
A motorcade of taco trucks parked in front of the real estate magnate’s Trump International Las Vegas hotel Wednesday afternoon to protest the potential presidency of the Republican nominee, CNN reported.
The demonstration hearkens back to a remark made by the founder of the Latinos for Trump organisation, Marco Gutierrez. He warned that if Ms Clinton becomes president, there will be a “taco truck on every corner” due to the apparent influx of Mexican immigrants she would create.
Organised by the Culinary Workers Union, about 100 people gathered outside the hotel chanting “Dump Trump” and other anti-Trump slogans.
“If you don’t get out and vote, this clown could be president,” one worker yelled.
Mr Trump has campaigned on a hardline anti-immigrant stance, calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” and criminals since day one of his candidacy. He has also vowed to build new wall along the 1,989 mile Mexican boundary and forcing the Mexican government foot the bill.