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Mexican Independence Day 2022: What is the history of the day and how is it celebrated?

Several countries in Central and South America mark independence days during Hispanic Heritage Month

Gino Spocchia
Friday 16 September 2022 15:44 BST
Parades in celebration of Mexican Independence Day are held across the country and neighbouring United States
Parades in celebration of Mexican Independence Day are held across the country and neighbouring United States (Getty Images)

Every year on 16 September, Mexicans at home and across the world gather to celebrate their country’s independence from colonial rule more than two centuries ago.

The date marks the beginning of the country’s emergence from Spanish rule in the early 19th century, when a Catholic priest in the Mexican town of Dolores made a call for Mexico to become free.

While Mexico did not become independent until 11 years later, in 1821, the passionate speech given by a figure known as Father Hidalgo is widely remembered as the beginning of the end of Spanish rule.

Here’s everything you need to know about Mexican Independence Day and how it is celebrated:

When did Mexico gain independence?

Mexico became an independent country on 27 September 1821 – 11 years after Father Hidalgo made a rallying cry from the town of Dolores, in what is now the central Mexican state of Guanajuato, north of Mexico City.

The Catholic priest made his pro-independence speech just after midnight on 16 September 1810, when, according toUSA Today, he rung the bells of the local church. The moment has since become known as the “Grito de Dolores” (in English, Cry of Dolores), marking the start of the 11-year Mexican War of Independence against Spain.

Father Hidalgo inspired many to follow his campaign by envoking Mexico’s patron saint, the Virgin of Guadalupe, on a banner in the same way she appeared to Juan Diego, an indigenous Mexican who was later became a Catholic saint, according to National Geographic.

While the priest and another, José María Morelos, were beheaded by Spanish rulers following their calls for independence, Mexico finally achieved independence in 1821 when an army led by soldier Agustín de Iturbide seized control of Mexico City.

16 September was then made Mexico’s day of independence.

How is Independence Day celebrated in Mexico?

The day is marked by a series of large events such as parades, concerts and music events in the capital, Mexico City, and in cities and towns across the country.

A view of Mexico’s national flag during Independence Day celebrations
A view of Mexico’s national flag during Independence Day celebrations (Getty Images)

These festivities begin the day before the holiday, on 15 September, when the president of Mexico stands on the balcony of their official residence, the National Palace, and rings the same bell used by Father Hidalgo in 1810.

According to the British Mexican Society, the president then recites a speech based on “Grito de Dolores” and shouts three times: ¡Viva México! The names of  heroes of the Mexican War of Independence are also mentioned in the speech.

A military parade is also held in Mexico City.

Is it the same as Cinco de Mayo?

No, it is not the same. Mexico’s Independence Day is not the same as Cinco de Mayo, although the two spectacles are widely confused for one another, especially by Americans and those outside Mexico, National Geographic says.

Parades in celebration of Mexican Independence Day are held across the country and neighbouring United States
Parades in celebration of Mexican Independence Day are held across the country and neighbouring United States (Getty Images)

Cinco de Mayo, in comparison, celebrates the country’s victory in May 1862 over the Second French Empire at the Battle of Puebla, which occurred as a result of Mexico defaulting on debt payments to European countries after becoming independent from Spain, according to

What other countries gained independence at the same time?

Mexico is among a number of Central and South American countries marking independence days in September, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua on 15 September, and Mexico on 16 September.

A replica of the ‘independence bell’ at Casa Mariano Abasolo in the city of Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato
A replica of the ‘independence bell’ at Casa Mariano Abasolo in the city of Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato (EPA)

Two days later, Chile celebrates its independence on 18 September and a few weeks later in October, the day Christopher Columbus arrived in the Americas is also marked across the continent.

The four-week period between 15 September and 15 October is known and celebrated as Hispanic Heritage Month.

How is Mexican Independence Day celebrated across the world?

Mexicans can be found living around the world, and none more so than in the United States, where an estimated 10.9m Mexicans call the country home, according to Statistics. That is out of 11.2m Mexicans living abroad overall.

Large events and parades are held in major US cities such as Chicago, which welcomes almost 500,000 people to its annual parade – the 26th edition of which was held on 11 September 2022.

California, a neighbouring state to Mexico, also holds dozens of festivals and events.

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