Coronavirus: Ivanka Trump met Australian politician days before he tested positive

Politician is latest visiting dignitary to meet with associates of the president and later be diagnosed with coronavirus 

Richard Hall
New York
Friday 13 March 2020 15:49 GMT
Ivanka Trump stands in between attorney general Bill Bar (left) and Peter Dutton, Australian home affairs minister (right).
Ivanka Trump stands in between attorney general Bill Bar (left) and Peter Dutton, Australian home affairs minister (right). (Australian Embassy in the United States/Twitter)

Ivanka Trump met with an Australian politician just days before he tested positive for coronavirus.

The president’s daughter, together with attorney general Bill Barr, held a meeting with Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton at the White House on March 5.

A week later, on March 13, he revealed Mr Dutton had tested positive for the virus after returning to Australia.

Mr Dutton is the latest in a series of visiting dignitaries who have come into contact with associates of president Donald Trump, and found later to have been infected.

He wrote on Twitter: "This morning I woke up with a temperature and sore throat. I immediately contacted the Queensland Department of Health and was subsequently tested for COVID-19. I was advised by Queensland Health this afternoon that the test had returned positive.”

"I feel fine and will provide an update in due course," he added.

A day after her meeting with Mr Dutton, Ms Trump met with her father and the Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

One of Bolsonaro's aides later tested positive for the virus, and Bolansaro has now also tested positive, according to reports.

Despite interacting with a number of people who later became infected, the White House said Mr Trump does not currently have plans to be tested.

Two Republican lawmakers who interacted with his delegation announced they will self-quarantine for two weeks, however. Republican Sen. Rick Scott of Florida, who met Bolsonaro in Miami, and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who was at Mar-a-Lago on Saturday, announced Thursday that they will isolate themselves.

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