Elon Musk says Twitter deal can proceed if Twitter provides accurate data about bots

The SpaceX CEO has challenged Twitter to prove its method for proving accounts are real amid the ongoing battle around a potential sale

Sheila Flynn
Saturday 06 August 2022 21:47 BST
Elon Musk terminates Twitter deal

Elon Musk has challenged Twitter to a debate and suggested his deal to buy the social media giant could still go through if the company offered more verification and transparency.

The Tesla CEO tweeted early on Saturday, in response to a thread from a user who identified as a “SpaceX fan”: “If Twitter simply provides their method of sampling 100 accounts and how they’re confirmed to be real, the deal should proceed on original terms. However, if it turns out that their SEC filings are materially false, then it should not.”

He added later: “I hereby challenge @paraga to a public debate about the Twitter bot percentage. Let him prove to the public that Twitter has <5% fake or spam daily users!”

The latter tweet was directed at Parag Agrawal, the chief executive of Twitter.

Mr Musk and Twitter have spent most of 2022 embroiled in negotiations, arguments and legal wrangling involving the SpaceX CEO’s bid to buy the platform for $44billion.

The billionaire agreed to the deal, then terminated it, and was later sued by Twitter to complete the sale. He countersued, Twitter hit back and Saturday’s tweet from Mr Musk marked the latest development in the ongoing feud.

Mr Musk also tweeted out a poll to his 102.8million Twitter followers asking to vote on whether “Less than 5% of Twitter daily users are fake/spam” – giving the option to choose “Yes” or “Lmaooo no.”

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