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Kyle Rittenhouse trial: Anger as judge who banned word ‘victims’ lets witness call protesters ‘antifa’

Nathan Place
New York
Friday 12 November 2021 01:56 GMT
Kyle Rittenhouse stands by self-defence plea during murder trial

The trial of accused killer Kyle Rittenhouse resumed Thursday morning after an especially chaotic day in court.

Today the defence plans to introduce a number of new witnesses, including a doctor and a police officer.

Mr Rittenhouse, 18, has been charged with homicide in the deaths of two men he shot during a night of protests and riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin last year – Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26. He also shot a third man, Gauge Grosskreutz, who was wounded but survived.

Yesterday, Mr Rittenhouse broke down crying during emotional testimony in which he insisted he acted in self-defense and “didn’t do anything wrong.”

In another dramatic moment, his lawyers motioned to declare a mistrial, citing “prosecutorial misconduct.” The defence accused prosecutors of violating Mr Rittenhouse’s rights by mentioning his silence in the wake of the 25 August 2020 shootings and by referencing a video that was previously deemed inadmissible.

If the motion is granted, Mr Rittenhouse cannot be tried again for the same crimes.

If Mr Rittenhouse is convicted, he could face life in prison.


What language Judge Schroeder allowed today vs what he prohibited before

The judge in Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial has allowed a self-described “professional commentator” for a far-right-wing news site to characterize protesters as “antifa” and “rioters,” in spite of the judge’s earlier ban on politicized language.

Defence witness Drew Hernandez, who has published extensive right-wing commentary across his social media channels, cast the demonstrations on 25 August 2020 as “riots” by “antifa” during his testimony on 11 November as he walked through his footage from that night.

Earlier this month, Judge Bruce Schroeder said “this is not a political trial” and told legal teams not to get “sidetracked” on other issues.

Alex Woodward reports here:

Judge allows testimony from right-wing commentator during Rittenhouse trial

After forbidding ‘political’ rhetoric, judge in closely watched trial allows Real America’s Voice personality to testify

Nathan Place11 November 2021 21:20

Prosecutors bristle at increasingly arcane arguments on video editing

By late Thursday afternoon, prosecutors appeared to bristle over the defence’s increasingly granular arguments about footage of the night of the shootings.

Mr Rittenhouse’s lawyers spent much of Thursday questioning video experts about minute changes in brightness and contrast, color, frame rates, and “interpolation” through zooming features. By the day’s end, the state appeared to grow frustrated.

“This whole canard of adding pixels and changing color is a dishonest argument and I believe the defense knows that,” Assistant District Attorney James Kraus said.

Nathan Place11 November 2021 21:32

Kenosha police are preparing for potential unrest after Rittenhouse verdict

Kenosha police say they are working to “ensure the safety of our communities” in the wake of whatever verdict emerges from the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse.

“We recognize that some varying opinions and feelings revolve around the trial that may cause concerns,” the Sheriff’s Department said on Thursday, in a statement that seemed to anticipate unrest.

Nathan Place11 November 2021 21:56

Defense lawyers look cheerful as evidence closes

Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyers smiled and laughed as the evidence stage of his trial came to a close.

Afterward, Judge Schroeder reached an agreement with the lawyers for the length their closing arguments, setting a cap of two and a half hours for each side.

Nathan Place11 November 2021 22:10

Judge orders jury to return on Monday for closing arguments

Judge Schroeder has sent the jury home for the weekend, asking them to return on Monday morning for closing arguments.

“We’re in the final stretch,” the judge said. “Please follow the instructions.”

Nathan Place11 November 2021 22:17

Judge urges lawyers to keep closing arguments brief

Before adjourning on Thursday night, Judge Bruce Schroeder urged the lawyers on both sides to keep their closing arguments short and sweet.

The judge requested that each side’s finale be limited to 90 minutes, but prosecutor Thomas Binger pushed back that he needed two and a half hours. Judge Schroeder agreed, but not without offering some words of advice.

Quoting an accomplished federal judge, Judge Schroeder said that “the brain cannot absorb what the seat cannot endure.” He then quoted Franklin Roosevelt, who he said had once advised a speaker to “be sincere, be brief, and be seated.”

Nathan Place11 November 2021 22:36

Photos capture drama of Rittenhouse trial

Since the beginning of Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial, photographs have captured the drama of the courtroom.

Nathan Place11 November 2021 22:56

ICYMI: Five of the most bizarre moments from defendant’s sobs to judge’s cookie catalogue

As Kyle Rittenhouse stands trial for shooting three men – two fatally – at a protest last autumn, viewers have come to expect the unexpected after a series of dramatic scenes inside the courtroom in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Some of the most memorable moments have centred around Judge Bruce Schroeder, who made clear early on that he is not afraid to raise his voice or interrupt an attorney he perceives to be taking too long to get to the point. The Independent’s Megan Sheets has been following all the action at the trial and has this round-up of the biggest moments.

Five of the most bizarre moments from the chaotic Kyle Rittenhouse trial

Rittenhouse’s homicide trial is expected to wrap up early next week in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Josh Marcus11 November 2021 23:24

Photo: A brief Veterans Day moment in the courtroom

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial took a brief pause on Thursday, as judge Bruce Schroeder asked the court to applaud any military service members in the room to honour Veterans Day.

The only vet in the room, it appeared, was one of the witnesses, a use of force expert.

Josh Marcus11 November 2021 23:50

‘What tears?’: Lebron James mocks Kyle Rittenhouse

The enduring image so far of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial has been the 18-year-old crying on the stand as he recounted the events surrounding his shooting of three people at a 2020 Black Lives Matter protest in Wisconsin. NBA star Lebron James apparently wasn’t convinced, telling Mr Rittenhouse, who is accused of homicide and underage weapons possession, to “knock it off!” in a tweet early on Thursday.

Josh Marcus12 November 2021 00:25

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