Woman declared braindead weeks after model friend dumped dead outside hospital

‘These guys had the chance to save Hilda and Christy’s lives but preferred to abandon them to their luck’

Gustaf Kilander
Washington, DC
Monday 29 November 2021 20:28 GMT
Friend of late model Christy Giles braindead after being dumped outside LA hospital
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Hilda Cabrales has been declared braindead after her unconscious body was left outside a Los Angeles hospital just two hours after the body of her dead friend, model Christy Giles, was dumped at another hospital in the area.

Ms Cabrales would have turned 27 on Monday. She spent two weeks in a coma after the bodies were left at the LA hospitals on 13 November.

The interior designer was found to have drugs in her system when she was dumped at the Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles hospital. The 24-year-old Ms Giles was allegedly dropped at the other hospital by two men wearing bandanas over their faces.

The friends had been out on a Friday night and left to go to a party in the Hollywood Hills along with three men. But they never made it to the party.

Ms Cabrales’ father, Luis Cabrales Rivera, told The Sun last week that the family has decided to donate Ms Cabrales’ organs and that they would say their last goodbyes on Sunday or Monday.

“My girl was diagnosed braindead yesterday,” the 49-year-old systems engineer told The Sun on Saturday.

“We were already expecting it to be bad news and we’re trying to take it with a lot of strength,” he added. “I asked God to return Hilda to me in 100 per cent good health but if she was going to be left impaired it is better for her to leave and go by his side.

“Her mother and I have decided that her organs should be donated to those who need them and that process will take place on Sunday or Monday,” Mr Cabrales told the paper.

“I never discussed it with her but we are completely sure Hilda would have wanted it to be this way, she was such a good and generous girl who was always looking out for others,” he added. “Apparently there are nine to 12 different organs that could be used for donations and we decided that should be the last act of love from my daughter.

“I’m grateful that with her last breath she will be able to give life to others and that she will live on in the heart, eyes, lungs, of someone else,” he said. “They will take her down to the operating room on Sunday or Monday but before that, they will let us say goodbye and pay homage to her.

“We will be allowed to say a few words and play music and if it is on Monday we will sing Happy Birthday to her.”

Phone records from Ms Giles reveal that her last location was at a Beverly Hills apartment. The paper reported that neighbours said they could hear someone “moaning in pain” for hours on the day that the bodies were later dropped at the hospitals.

Ms Giles texted “let’s get out of here” to Ms Cabrales at 5.30am on 13 November. Ms Cabrales agreed and texted that she had called for an Uber, but Ms Giles didn’t read or respond to any following messages.

Twelve hours later, Ms Giles’ body was left at Southern California Hospital in Culver City. Two hours after that, Ms Cabrelas’ body was dumped.

Ms Giles’ husband, Jan Cilliers, 40, has said that two men who left the party with the women have told police that they suffered accidental overdoses.

“Hilda told me that she would sometimes smoke marijuana to help her to get to sleep but the drugs that were found in her system were not drugs she would have taken herself,” Mr Cabralas told The Sun. “Her mother is a doctor, her stepfather is a doctor, and they have always told her that she should not take opioids because they could cause irreparable damage or cardiac arrest.

“She was informed about all that and wouldn’t have consciously taken anything like that. Those are not recreational drugs and Hilda was a very healthy girl who liked to hike, do yoga and go to the gym.

“We want people to continue to be aware of this case until those who are responsible for what happened to Hilda and Christy are behind bars,” he said. “The detectives have spoken with us several times and they told us that for the LAPD this is personal because the people behind this have done it before but it had never gone as far as this.

“The police opened an emergency line and have apparently been speaking with people but have asked us to be patient while they put the case together,” Mr Cabrales added. “The detectives told us they’re indignant that these guys had the chance to save Hilda and Christy’s lives but preferred to abandon them to their luck.”

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