‘Catch me if u can’: Texas motorcyclist speeding at over 100mph shown in video challenge to police on Facebook
Police said the person riding the motorbike was now a 'high priority suspect' after the video came to their attention

A motorcyclist in Texas has filmed himself weaving between slow-moving traffic at more than 100mph, and the video has been uploadedto Facebook with the challenge: “Catch me if u can…”
The clip has been shared more than 10,000 times according to local media reports, and though it was posted last year police say they have now made the man on the bike a high-priority suspect.
Officers with the San Antonio Police Department said the incident appeared to have occurred on Interstate 35 in May 2013, and said they were surprised it “took this long to get to us”.
They have now issued an appeal for information from anyone who might be able to help track down the man who first posted the video, named by police as 26-year-old Albert Rodriguez.
Police said Mr Rodriguez was already facing two arrest warrants for felonies and a further one for a family violence misdemeanour.
The video seems to be from a helmet-mounted camera, and shows a motorcyclist going at what officers said was in excess of 100mph between tightly-packed lines of vehicles.
Besides the safety issues, in Texas motorbike riders are required to stick to traffic lanes in the same way as cars - it is illegal for them to travel down the strip between lanes.
Sergeant Javier Salazar, a San Antonio police spokesman, said: “When we catch him, he has a lot more to answer to, but we want to get him off the street.
“Really all it would have taken for him to impact the lives of several people, possibly killing someone just by his actions,” he told ABC’s KSat 12.
Facebook commenters left messages directed at the motorcyclist on the police Facebook page, including one which said: “Run fool, run.”
Sergeant Salazar said: “It just goes to show, when you call negative attention to yourself, bad things can happen.
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