Bullied 7-year-old adopts cat with same rare eye condition and cleft lip

'Funny how a pet can make you feel less alone'

Samuel Osborne
Thursday 29 March 2018 14:58 BST
Madden Humphreys, 7, from Oklahoma, with Moon. Both have the same rare eye condition and cleft lip.
Madden Humphreys, 7, from Oklahoma, with Moon. Both have the same rare eye condition and cleft lip. (@maddenandmoon/Instagram)

A 7-year-old boy who was bullied for the way he looks has adopted a cat with the same rare eye condition and cleft lip.

Madden Humphreys, from Oklahoma, was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate, as well as different coloured eyes, known as heterochromia iridum.

His mother, Chriatina Humphreys, found out about a cat named Valentine who had the same conditions from birth.

When she spotted the cat’s resemblance to Madden on a Facebook group for mothers of children with cleft lips, she knew the family had to adopt him.

With the help of some friends, the family drove from Oklahoma to Minnesota to meet the cat.

“We drove from Oklahoma to Minnesota this weekend, to get the kitty Madden has named Moon,” Ms Humphreys wrote on Facebook.

“We had quite a few incredibly generous, friends and strangers help make the road trip possible, so that we could adopt this sweet fur baby and we are so thankful!”

She added: “In case you missed it, these handsome boys were both born with cleft lips and complete heterochromia iridum (different coloured eyes), and we knew they were destined to be best friends.

“Funny how a pet can make you feel less alone.”

Mending Spirits Animal Rescue, who rescued the two-year-old cat, said on Facebook: “We are so thankful that we can facilitate these heart-warming connections.”

Madden previously created an anti-bullying video which went viral after he was bullied on a schoolbus.

“There were a few kids saying really ugly, mean things to him,” Ms Humphreys told Love What Matters.

“It really broke his spirit and he had a rough year.”

In the video, Madden says: “Don’t be mean to other people that are different. We’ve already been through a lot of hard stuff.

“Show everybody kindness. You’re missing out on a lot of awesome people if you’re being a poophead to them.

“If somebody’s being mean to you, be nice to them. Because the most unlovable people need love the most.”

Madden and Moon now have an Instagram account to document their adventures together.

“Moon helps Madden realise that being born unique is an incredible thing, that he is magic,” Ms Madden told Love What Matters.

“These two handsome guys truly are a wonder.”

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