Riot police shove elderly man onto ground at New York protest, leaving him unconscious

New York governor Andrew Cuomo warned police should ‘enforce – NOT ABUSE – the law’

Gino Spocchia
Friday 05 June 2020 08:56 BST
New York police shove elderly man to ground in Buffalo

Two police officers in Buffalo, New York, have been suspended without pay after they knocked an elderly man unconscious to the ground amid protests against police brutality and institutionalised racism across the US.

A local public radio station reporter videoed the encounter in Niagara Square on Thursday night as an unidentified elderly man approached Buffalo riot police shouting “move back”.

One officer can be seen striking his baton at the man, whilst another officer pushes him with his hand.

The man stumbles backwards to the ground with an audible thud, whilst blood can be seen pouring from his head onto the pavement.

At this moment, an officer shouts “he’s bleeding” and the police line is halted. Someone holding a placard then engages with the police, in apparent anger.

From the footage, it appeared there was no provocation for pushing the elderly man on Thursday night.

According to WBFO radio, the elderly man was transported to the Erie County medical centre hospital in Buffalo, New York, and was in “serious but stable condition” overnight.

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown issued a statement saying he was “deeply disturbed by the video” and that his thoughts were with the victim.

Mr Brown added that Buffalo Police Commissioner Bryon Lockwood had directed an “immediate investigation” into the incident and that the two policemen involved were suspended without pay.

They had responded moments before to protesters who were breaking curfew rules imposed amid vandalism during George Floyd protests.

New York governor Andrew Cuomo, who spoke with Mr Brown on Thursday night, also said that “This incident is wholly unjustified and utterly disgraceful”.

“Police officers must enforce — NOT ABUSE — the law,” Mr Cuomo added.

It comes as calls grow to defund police departments across the US, amid concerns about police accountability and brutality.

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