Anti-gay hate preacher accidentally tweets 4,000 followers cartoon clip of him 'confessing' to be a 'homosexual sodomite'
Remarks were taken from a series of speeches he gave and then made into a mash-up by an Australian YouTuber

A controversial anti-gay hate preacher has mistakenly tweeted a satirical cartoon mash-up that sees him confessing to being a “homosexual sodomite”.
New York pastor James David Manning, leader of the ATLAH World Missionary Church in Harlem, appears to have shared Adam Reake’s video with his 4,215 followers accidentally – or at least without actually watching the entire clip.
Mr Reake’s mash-up has the anti-gay hate preacher, who most recently urged his followers to boycott Starbuck because – according to him – the global chain has been using the “sodomites’ semen” to flavour their lattes, confess to being a “homosexual sodomite”.
He then goes on to say in the video: “Now I know why I go to Starbucks.”
The video continues in a similar vein for the rest of the three minutes and it has already clocked up over 2,000 views since being published earlier this week.
It seems unlikely Manning, who in an interview earlier this year said he regards homosexuality as a “detestable, abominable, diseased practise”, is aware of the full content of the cartoon.
He first came to America’s attention in 2008 when he accused then-presidential candidate Barack Obama’s mother of being “white trash” for sleeping with a black man and since then has become embroiled in various other unsavoury campaigns.
These include, but are not limited to, accusing President Obama of “using gay people to wipe out the black community”, claiming that Starbucks is “ground zero” for Ebola and calling on Harlem residents to boycott all shops thus halting gentrification and returning the neighbourhood to the black community, who he perceives are the sole rightful owners.
ATLAH, All The Land Anointed Holy, Church was founded by Reverend Millard Alexander Stanley in 1957. In 1981 Manning replaced Stanley as chief pastor.
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