Anthrax case raises bioterrorism fears
A crew member of an Egyptian freighter has died in Brazil apparently after opening a suitcase filled with anthrax that he was planning to take to Canada. His death has renewed anxiety in North America over the risk of bioterrorist attacks.
Brazilian officials believe the man, identified as Ibrahim Saved Soliman Ibrahim, was given the case before he left Egypt to join the ship, which was loading bauxite bound for Canada. They said the incident appeared to be part of a bioterrorism plot that went wrong.
Mr Ibrahim reportedly opened the suitcase at his hotel in the Amazon state of Para. He became ill and died on 11 April after suffering vomiting, internal bleeding and multiple organ failure.
"He was the victim of anthrax," said a spokesman for Brazilian police. He speculated that Mr Ibrahim opened the case out of curiosity and had no idea what it contained. "We imagine this is about bioterrorism and Brazil was just used as the point of transfer."
Final results from an autopsy were due to be sent to the Canadian authorities last night, but there seemed little doubt that the cause of death was anthrax. Several hospital workers who came into contact with the body became ill but all have since recovered.
The case has raised alarm in Canada, although officials insisted there was no cause for panic. Wayne Easter, Canada's Solicitor General, said the issue was being dealt with "appropriately".
Authorities in the US were also paying close attention. Five people died in America shortly after the 11 September attacks when anthrax was sent through the post to various locations. Police have still to solve the case.
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