9/11 White House photos: Never-seen-before pictures show George Bush and Dick Cheney moments after terror attacks

The US National Archives have released photographs from inside the White House in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks

Alice Harrold
Saturday 25 July 2015 12:00 BST
Senior White House staff in the Emergency Operations Centre following the 9/11 attacks
Senior White House staff in the Emergency Operations Centre following the 9/11 attacks (US National Archives)

Newly released images show former President George Bush and his senior staff in the Emergency Operations Centre in Washington following the attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon in 2001.

President Bush speaks with senior staff in the Emergency Operations Centre
President Bush speaks with senior staff in the Emergency Operations Centre (US National Archives)

The staff, including the former Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, and vice-President Dick Cheney, are shown in the secure basement.

Vice-President Dick Cheney rests his feet while watching news coverage of the Twin Tower attacks
Vice-President Dick Cheney rests his feet while watching news coverage of the Twin Tower attacks (US National Archives)
Dick Cheney was in charge at the White House until Bush was flown back at around 7pm that evening
Dick Cheney was in charge at the White House until Bush was flown back at around 7pm that evening (US National Archives)

The Emergency Operations Centre is a bunker under the east wing of the White House which was built to withstand a nuclear attack.

Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice showing signs of stress in the crisis briefing
Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice showing signs of stress in the crisis briefing (US National Archives)
The vice-President, his wife Lynne Cheney and first lady Laura Bush during the emergency briefing
The vice-President, his wife Lynne Cheney and first lady Laura Bush during the emergency briefing (US National Archives)

Vice-President Cheney was in command when the four hijacked passenger planes crashed in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania, killing 2,996 people.

Lynne Cheney was brought to the Emergency Operations Centre for security reasons
Lynne Cheney was brought to the Emergency Operations Centre for security reasons (US National Archives)
Former National Security Advisor and vice-President both make phone calls on the secure line from the White House emergency bunker
Former National Security Advisor and vice-President both make phone calls on the secure line from the White House emergency bunker (US National Archives)
Image of former Secretary of State Colin Powell captured by Dick Cheney's staff photographer
Image of former Secretary of State Colin Powell captured by Dick Cheney's staff photographer (US National Archives)
The former vice-President and senior advisors looking sombre after hearing reports of the terrorist attacks
The former vice-President and senior advisors looking sombre after hearing reports of the terrorist attacks (US National Archives)
Condolezza Rice looks dismayed next to Colin Powell during crisis talks in the White House emergency bunker
Condolezza Rice looks dismayed next to Colin Powell during crisis talks in the White House emergency bunker (US National Archives)
Laura Bush, Lynne Cheney and Dick Cheney sit in the Emergency Operations Centre
Laura Bush, Lynne Cheney and Dick Cheney sit in the Emergency Operations Centre (US National Archives)

President Bush was visiting a school in Florida at the time at the time of the attacks before being flown back to the White House.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell photographed in the emergency bunker
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell photographed in the emergency bunker (US National Archives)
Head of the CIA watches President Bush's national address
Head of the CIA watches President Bush's national address (US National Archives)
Condoleezza Rice photographed with the Cheneys and senior staff
Condoleezza Rice photographed with the Cheneys and senior staff (US National Archives)
The vice-President has defended his decision to waterboard 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, saying he would 'Do it again in a minute'
The vice-President has defended his decision to waterboard 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, saying he would 'Do it again in a minute'
Dick Cheney speaks with former President Bush during post terrorist attack briefing
Dick Cheney speaks with former President Bush during post terrorist attack briefing (US National Archives)
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice sits next to Dick Cheney, other plane attacks on the White House were expected
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice sits next to Dick Cheney, other plane attacks on the White House were expected (US National Archives)

Frontline filmmaker Colette Neirouz Hanna requested that the photos, taken by vice-President Cheney's photographer, be released by the National Archives under the Freedom of Information Act.

To see the full set, visit the National Archives' Flickr page.

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