$10,000 bundle of marijuana falls from the sky - and makes hole in roof of family home

Police believe the package was dropped by Mexican drug smugglers

Andrew Buncombe
New York
Wednesday 30 September 2015 15:39 BST
Police believe the parcel was dropped by drug smugglers
Police believe the parcel was dropped by drug smugglers

Was it a gift from another planet, a present from a grateful God. Or was it - more likely - dropped unintentionally by drug smugglers as they made their way north from Mexico across the US border?

Wherever it came from, the bag of marijuana, weighing 26b and valued at around $10,000, made one heck of a hole in the roof of Maya Donnelly’s house.

When the package came crashing through her home in Nogales, she initially assumed it was thunder. But later that morning, when she went to investigate, she found a bulky bundle wrapped in black plastic.

“It's all right on top of our dog's house. It just made a perfectly round hole through our carport,” she told the Nogales International newspaper.

The family's German shepherd, called Hulk, was not in his plastic pet crate at the time. “Thank goodness he is a wanderer at night and was not in his house,” she said. “He was probably at the gate watching the plane go by.”

Ms Donnelly called police, who confirmed the package was marijuana. They told her an ultralight aircraft smuggling marijuana from Mexico had probably let part of its load go early by mistake - before dropping the rest farther north, the newspaper reported.

Nogales Police Chief Derek Arnson said it was the first time in his three-year term in the city he had seen a package of drugs hit a building.

“Someone definitely made a mistake - and who knows what the outcome of that mistake might be for them,” he said.

Police are trying to determine whether the bundle was transported by an aircraft or a pilotless drone. Such runs usually reportedly occur at night

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