Robert Mugabe says his Zanu-PF party wants him to stand again in Zimbabwe elections

'The majority of the people feel that there is no replacement,' 92-year-old leader says

Samuel Osborne
Sunday 19 February 2017 12:32 GMT
It comes after his wife said the Mr Mugabe could contest the election even if he is 'a corpse'
It comes after his wife said the Mr Mugabe could contest the election even if he is 'a corpse' (AFP/Getty)

Zimbabwe’s President Mugabe has said his Zanu-PF party wants him to stand again for elections in 2018.

“They want me to stand for elections, they want me to stand for elections everywhere in the party,” Mr Mugabe said in comments to state media ahead of his 93rd birthday this coming week.

“The majority of the people feel that there is no replacement successor who to them is acceptable, as acceptable as I am,” he added.

It comes after his wife said the 92-year-old president could contest the election even if he is “a corpse”.

Grace Mugabe accused some of ruling party Zanu-PF’s members of plotting to oust her husband, and said if he dies supporters should still put his name on the ballot to show their support.

“If God decides to take him, then we would rather field him as a corpse,” she told a rally.

Mr Mugabe has been in power since 1980. In December his party confirmed him as its candidate for the next presidential election, expected in mid-2018, when he will be 94.

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