Snickers' anti-misogyny advert actually kind of misogynistic
"You're not you when you're hungry"

Oh, what's this? Snickers Australia has got a load of builders to shout empowering comments rather than cat calls at passers-by? That sounds a refreshing change for the brand, albeit a fairly obvious attempt at a viral hit.
This probably would have been the response to the latest advert for the chocolate bar, had they not turned it on its head in the last five seconds.
The video sees the workers shouting things like "You wanna hear a filthy word? Gender bias," and "I'd like to show you...the respect you deserve" to women passing on the street below, subverting the stereotype of construction workers' leering behaviour.
"You know what I'd like to see? A society in which the objectification of women makes way for gender neutral introductions, free from assumptions and expectations," another adds, to the surprise and delight of the woman it is directed at.
The advert concludes with the slogan 'You're not you when you're hungry' however, suggesting that their actions have been those of someone driven crazy by hunger, and leaving a sour (and faintly peanuty) taste in the mouth of the viewer.
Let's hope those builders get a Snickers in them soon so they can return to their usual lecherous antics, eh? Maybe a Yorkie before they start treating everyone like equals!
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