'You should come to my house and eat cheeses with me': 4-year-old sends adorable love letter to girl at school
'I love you and I lost a tooth last night.'

Every idea for a date you've ever come up with probably falls short of 4-year old Bennet's, who invited a girl over to show her a magic trick and battle robots.
His letter was posted by his mum on Reddit last week and has been widely shared since, it reads:
Will you please come to my house? Let’s play together. I think you are pretty like a horse or a ladybug. I’m not sure which. You should come to my house and eat cheeses with me. I love you and I lost a tooth last night. I think I would like to do a magic trick for you and then let you watch me battle robots.
His wonderfully direct and honest approach was entirely his own, with his mum Jennifer telling Buzzfeed she merely transcribed his message word-for-word.
"I asked him who he wanted to send a letter to and he stated, 'Baily of course'" She said. "So, he sat down next to me on the couch and dictated the letter and I typed word for word what he said.
"He talks constantly about her and how much he loves her “yellow hair”. He will be having his 5th birthday party in a few weeks and the theme is knights and princesses, he is over the moon knowing that Baily will be dressed as a princess."
Bennet apparently loves Baily even more than he loves "cheeses", and might be coming on a little strong.
"Of course Baily is a bit awkward at just 4 years old and really doesn’t know what to think about Bennet," Jennifer added. "Honestly, I think he overwhelms her a bit."
Jennifer said the positive reaction to the letter has cheered her up as Bennet heads into his next chemotherapy session.
I have to say that the attention the letter has received has put a smile on my face, as Bennet was a very sick kid," she explained. "He was diagnosed with cancer at 6 months old and actually goes up for one of his last cancer checks in Portland, Oregon very soon. I’m always nervous about these checks and this has been a nice distraction."
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