Man makes Angry Birds catapult for humans, slings himself off a cliff
Sadly there were no blocks for him to land on
Base jumper Tancrede Melet has been getting increasingly inventinve with his parachute jumps, recently conducting them from a tightrope and now launching himself into the air with a catapult.
Obviously made in the image of Angry Birds (he even stuffed a bunch of feathers into the holder), the slingshot is capable of launching a human many metres into the air.
Melet is an experienced base jumper so had no fears about being able to pull his parachute rip cord in time, even managing to operate a selfie stick throughout the jump.
Melet discovered base jumping after realising "that it is faster to jump off a cliff, rather than walking downhill".
He also practices slackline, highline, alpinism, climbing, paragliding, speed flying/riding, snow kite, kite surf and sailing. A full-length film is forthcoming from
It's a shame the planned Angry Birds film is an animation, otherwise he'd be a shoe-in for the lead role.
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