Why happiness is a postcode lottery
They share a border, but the districts of Powys and Rhondda Cynon Taff are on different planets according to a national survey of contentment
They're both in Wales, they're both predominantly hilly areas, and in fact they're next door to each other; but in terms of human happiness, they could not be more different.
Powys, the principality's largest county, and the borough of Rhondda Cynon Taff to the immediate south of it, stand at opposite ends of the contentment scale, a new study shows.
People in the former, a vast stretch of unspoilt hills watered by salmon rivers and dotted with small and attractive market towns, have the greatest sense of "subjective well-being" out of 273 areas covering all of Britain; the citizens of the latter, centred on the wrecked industrial and mining landscape of the Rhondda Valley, have the least.
Anyone who knows both would suspect there to be differences, but the extreme extent of the polarity on either side of the local authority boundary, suggested by research presented at the annual conference of the Royal Geographical Society still comes as a shock. It is the conclusion of a survey attempting to measure happiness across the country, not by focusing on income, health and quality of life in a given area, as other surveys have done, but by seeking a direct measure, from individuals, of "subjective well-being", that is, how people actually feel about their lives.
That measure is based on their answers to a dozen questions, asked by the highly respected British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) ranging from, "Have you recently been able to concentrate on what you are doing?" and, "Have you recently lost much sleep over worry?" to, "Have you been thinking of yourself as a worthless person?" The score ranges from zero (content) to 36 (definitely not happy at all).
The BHPS, a major investigation of social conditions and attitudes, has been tracking the same group of more than 10,000 households since 1991. It is based on local authorities grouped together into units of more than 120,000 people for the purpose of the national census.
Using data from the survey, the resulting 273 districts have been ranked in order of subjective wellbeing by Dr Dimitris Ballas, of the University of Sheffield, and Dr Mark Tranmer, of the University of Manchester, in a paper presented at the conference yesterday.
Powys (officially the former councils of Brecknock, Montgomery and Radnor) comes top of the happiness list, followed by Manchester, then the combined district of East Staffordshire (centred around Burton on Trent and Uttoxeter) and the Staffordshire moorlands (centred around Cheadle and Leek).
Eight of the top 10 happiest places are in Scotland and the north of England, the study shows. Greater London's only representative in the top 40 is the borough of Sutton at number 14.
At the lower end of the scale, Cynon Valley and Rhondda (a district based on 1991 local authority boundaries, but now equivalent to Rhondda Cynon Taff) is at the bottom, next to the district of Merthyr Tydfil, Rhymney Valley and Taff Ely (a 1991 boundaries district now split between the boroughs of Merthyr and Caerphilly). So the south Wales valleys take the wooden spoon for national happiness. The third most unhappy district is given as Doncaster in South Yorkshire.
But, if the table is done a different way, and local variations are allowed for, including age, income, employment status, health and educational qualifications, the unhappiest place in Britain comes out as Edinburgh (11th most unhappiest in the simple table). This may come as a surprise to festival-goers, or tourists who only see Princes Street and the Georgian splendours of the New Town. But not to anyone acquainted with the drug-fuelled deprivation of the 1970s housing schemes built around the city's outskirts when the old tenement buildings were cleared.
Reactions to the survey were naturally very different yesterday in the areas labelled happiest and unhappiest in the country. Glenys Smith is town clerk of Montgomery, one of Powys's prettiest towns, which draws many visitors with its ancient castle, Georgian architecture and surrounding sylvan landscape. "It's a slower pace here," she said. "It's a country pace, rather than rushing about in the city. The traffic problems are not so severe. The countryside is magnificent and there are green fields everywhere, just a short distance outside towns.
"Of course we've all got our problems in the present economic crisis but people just go about their business and in these small towns there's a real feeling of community. And also, people are proud of their Welshness, which gives them a real sense of identity. If you have that in a lovely landscape, maybe that's why people are happy here."
But Russell Roberts, leader of Rhondda Cynon Taff council, challenged the basis of the survey. "If they did 10,000 households for the whole of Britain, then how many did they do here?" he said. "Who did they talk to? If they talked to someone in a deprived area, they might get someone who felt depressed, but we are a diverse district. We have some of the most deprived wards in Wales, but we also have some of the richest. People can say they're depressed for personal reasons. They may be bereaved, they may have just got divorced. Surveys can say all sorts of different things.
"As far as I am concerned, and many good people who live here, relatives, friends, acquaintances, people involved in the community and the economy, we are happy to be within Rhondda Cynon Taff. Yes, we have had our difficulties, but I firmly believe we are moving forward and have made good progress. I believe that the outlook for Rhondda Cynon Taff has certainly improved and is going to continue to improve."
Other local residents shared his stance. "I would reject the idea that we are the unhappiest place in Britain," said Maureen Hybart, 76, former president of the Pontyclun Women's Institute. "There's a real sense of community in the [south Wales] valleys. How can you be unhappy when you have your friends around you?"
The Rev Eric Jones, 70, recently retired from Highland Place Unitarian Church in Aberdare, said: "I'm a bit surprised. I wouldn't say it was a bad place to live. Although maybe the living conditions could be improved. When you compare the [south Wales] valleys to Cardiff, which is only 25 miles away, some of the facilities leave a lot to be desired."
But a straw poll of Powys residents found them agreeing with the survey. "It's just lovely," said John Bentley, 43, landlord of the Lion Inn in Sennybridge. "It's Wales. People are pleasant, and it's just country living, I suppose. Everyone seems happy, and there are no city pressures."
Dr Ballas and Dr Tranmer did not investigate formally why people in a certain area might be more inclined to happiness rather than depression. Dr Ballas said that he could only guess. "There really is something about the intrinsic nature of places which can influence happiness and wellbeing," he said. "The environment, lack of green spaces, air and noise pollution, crime rates: all of these influence happiness."
But upping sticks tomorrow and moving to Powys or Manchester or anywhere else high on the list is not the way to find happiness. The research finds that wellbeing is closely linked to staying at your present address, and contentment is boosted by living in your home for at least five years.
Additional reporting by Rob Lee
British Household Survey's 12 questions
1) Have you recently been able to concentrate on what you are doing?
a) better than usual
b) same as usual
c) less than usual
d) much less than usual
2) Have you... lost much sleep over worry?
a) not at all
b) no more than usual
c) rather more than usual
d) much more than usual
3) Have you... felt that you are playing a useful part in things?
a) more than usual
b) same as usual
c) less than usual
d) much less than usual
4) Have you... felt capable of making decisions about things?
a) more than usual
b) same as usual
c) less than usual
d) much less than usual
5) Have you... felt constantly under strain?
a) not at all
b) no more than usual
c) rather more than usual
d) much more than usual
6) Have you... felt you could not overcome your difficulties?
a)not at all
b) no more than usual
c) rather more than usual
d) much more than usual
7) Have you been able to enjoy normal day to day activities?
a) more than usual
b) same as usual
c) less than usual
d) much less than usual
8) Have you been able to face up to your problems?
a) more than usual
b) same as usual
c) less than usual
d) much less than usual
9) Have you been feeling unhappy and depressed?
a) not at all
b) no more than usual
c) rather more than usual
d) much more than usual
10) Have you been losing confidence in yourself?
a) not at all
b) no more than usual
c) rather more than usual
d) much more than usual
11) Have you been thinking of yourself as a worthless person?
a) not at all
b) no more than usual
c) rather more than usual
d) much more than usual
12) Have you recently been feeling reasonably happy, all things considered?
a) More than usual
b) same as usual
c) less than usual
d) much less than usual.
Score, out of a total of 36: a) = 0; b) = 1; c) = 2; d) = 3.
Score 0 and you're the happiest person in the kingdom; score 36 and you're the unhappiest
The happy league in full
1 Brecknock, Montgomery and Radnor (Powys)
2 Manchester
3 E. Staff & StaffMoor
4 West Lothian
5 Cunninghame
6 Chelmsford
7 Badenoch & Strathspey
8 Clackmannan; Stirling
9 Colchester
10 Macclesfield
11 Cthrpes.G Grmsby
12 N Herts.Stevnage
13 E Nhamps.Wlngbgh
14 Sutton
15 Argyll & Bute; Dumbarton; Inverclyde
16 Frst/Dean.Stroud
17 St Helens
18 Dumfries & Galloway
19 Barrw/Fur.Copeld
20 Berwickshire; East Lothian etc
21 Cumbernauld & Kilsyth; Monklands
22 Ogwr
23 Babergh.Ipswich
24 Gordon; Kincardine & Deeside
25 E&WLindsey.Lincn
26 Woodspring
27 Falkirk
28 Nottingham
29 Sevoaks.Tonb&Mal
30 Bradford
31 Nwctle/Lyme.Staf
32 Newbury
33 Strtfd/Avn.Warwk
34 Chichstr. Horsham
35 Braintree.Uttfrd
36 Congle.Crewe.VR
37 Cherwell
38 Corby. Kettering
39 Sefton
40 Plymouth
41 Stoke-on-Trent
42 Winchester
43 Beverley.Bthfery
44 Gillingham.Swale
45 Barnet
46 Islington
47 Wirral
48 Brighton
49 Purb.W Dors.Wy&P
50 Vale of Glamorgan
51 Bury
52 Kerrier.Pen.IoSc
53 Trafford
54 Alldale.Carlisle
55 Carrick.Rstormel
56 Huntingdonshire
57 Lichfld. Tamworth
58 ForHth.MSflk.StE
59 E Cams.Fenland
60 Luton
61 Milton Keynes
62 Northampton
63 Portsmouth
64 Waltham Forest
65 N Kstvn.S Kstvn
66 Merton
67 North Tyneside
68 Halton
69 Crawley.M Sussex
70 Rotherham
71 Angus; Perth & Kinross
72 Ashfld.Mansfld
73 Newport
74 E Yorks.Hldrness
75 Hillingdon
76 Solihull
77 Three Rvrs.Wtfrd
78 Bastlw.Newk&Shwd
79 An.Ber.Mor.Tdale
80 Rgate/Ban.Tandge
81 Lancaster
82 Bearsden & Milngavie; Clydebank; Strathkelvin
83 Brcklnd.S Nrflk
84 NWar.Nun&Bed.Rug
85 Wokingham
86 St Albans
87 Aylesbury Vale
88 Aberconwy, Arfon, Dwyfor, Meirionnydd and Ynys Mon
89 Banff & Buchan; Moray
90 S Hams.W Devon
91 Blackpool
92 Hammsmith/Fulham
93 New Forest
94 Kennet.Salisbury
95 Tameside
96 Knowsley
97 Birmingham
98 Dunfermline
99 C/Ldn.C/Wminster
100 Wycombe
101 Darlington.Tdale
102 Newcastle/Tyne
103 Hrtsmr.Wlyn Htfd
104 Suff Cstal.Wveny
105 Hackney
106 Exeter.Tnbridge
107 Preston
108 Hrtlpol.Stktn/Ts
109 East Kilbride; Hamilton
110 Brntwd.EpFor.Har
111 Rochdale
112 Calderdale
113 Redbridge
114 Motherwell
115 Medina; South Wight
116 Tower Hamlets
117 Redditch.Wychavn
118 Cambrdge.S Cams
119 N Wilts.W Wilts
120 Thanet
121 Runnymde.Splthne
122 Hastings.Rother
123 Bolton
124 N Beds
125 Dacorum
126 Caradon.N Crnwal
127 Knsingtn/Chelsea
128 Dudley
129 Crv.Hmbtn.Richsh
130 Kingston/Thames
131 N Devon.Torridge
132 Mole V.Waverley
133 Burnley.Pendle
134 Lambeth
135 South Somerset
136 Camden
137 Bristol
138 Can Chse, S Stafs
139 Alyn and Deeside, Delyn and Wrexham Maelor
140 Oldham
141 Hinck&Bos.NWLeic
142 Salford
143 N&S Shrop.Oswtry
144 Mlvrn Hs.Wrcster
145 The Wrekin
146 Broadlnd.Norwich
147 Colwyn, Glyndwr and Rhuddlan
148 Wandsworth
149 C/Point.Mald.Rfd
150 Southwark
151 Fylde.Wyre
152 Bournemouth
153 Charnwood
154 Brent
155 Chiltern and S. Bucks
156 Kingston/Hull
157 Wealdon
158 Dartfrd.Graveshm
159 Mendip.Sedgemoor
160 Eden.S Lakeland
161 Sunderland
162 H Peak.Derbs Dls
163 Walsall
164 Chltham.Cotswold
165 Basildon
166 Bexley
167 Adur.Worthing
168 E Hams.Havant
169 Ebrne.Hove.Lewes
170 Harbgh.Melt.Rutd
171 Hounslow
172 Peterborough
173 Brox.Gedlg.Rushc
174 Erewash.S Derbs
175 Lewisham
176 Tendring
177 Arun
178 Selby.York
179 Eastwood; Kilmarnock & Loudoun
180 Thamesdown
181 Northavon
182 Ealing
183 Lliw Valley, Neath, Port Talbort(Afan)
184 Middlesborough
185 Hyndbrn.Rosendle
186 Langbaurgh/Tees
187 Tuntn Dne. W Soms
188 Bromley
189 Blyth V.Wansbeck
190 Torbay
191 Stockport
192 Surrey Hth.Wking
193 Enfield
194 Hrfd.Leo.S Hrfds
195 Oxfd.VofWH.WOxon
196 Boston.S Holland
197 Canterbury
198 Kirkcaldy; North East Fife
199 Elmbge.Epsm/Ewel
200 S Oxfordshire
201 Richmond/Thames
202 Guildford
203 Derby
204 Windsor/Maidenhd
205 Barnsley
206 Aberdeen City
207 Rochester/Medway
208 Chorley. W Lancs
209 Brack Fst.Slough
210 Brxbourn.E Herts
211 Hart.Rushmoor
212 Newham
213 Harrogate
214 Kngs Lyn/W Nrflk
215 Wigan
216 Maidstone
217 Easingtn. Sedgefd
218 Bath.Kwood. Wdyke
219 Haringey
220 Chest/St.Durham
221 E Devon.M Devon
222 Warrington
223 Rbble V.S Rbble
224 Chester.E/Port
225 Glnfrd.Scunthrpe
226 M Beds.S Beds
227 Camarthen, Dinefwr and Llanelli
228 G Yarmth.N Nrflk
229 Basingstoke/Dean
230 Liverpool
231 Caithness; Sutherland etc
232 Reading
233 Wolverhampton
234 Ryedale.Scarbrgh
235 Coventry
236 BdgN.Shrews&Atch
237 Kirklees
238 Leicester
239 Wakefield
240 Leeds
241 Sheffield
242 Glcster.Tewksbry
243 Ceredigion, Preseli and S. Pembrokesire
244 Barking/Dagenham
245 Gateshead
246 Havering
247 Brmsgrve.Wyre Fs
248 Southampton
249 Eastl.Fare.Gospt
250 Croydon
251 Dvntry.S Nhamps
252 Harrow
253 Derwentsd.Wear V
254 Christ.N&EDorset
255 Renfrew
256 Cardiff
257 Ashfrd.Tunbrgwls
258 Greenwich
259 Blaenau Gwent and Islwyn
260 Monmouth and Torfean
261 Poole
262 Edinburgh City
263 Dundee City
264 Clydesdale; Cumnock & Doon Valley; Kyle & Carrick
265 Bolsovr.Chestfld
266 Amber V.NE Derbs
267 Sandwell
268 Glasgow City
269 Swansea
270 Blackburn
271 Doncaster
272 Merthyr Tydfil, Rhymney Valley and Taff-Ely
273 Cynon Valley and Rhondda
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