What's the worst Christmas present you've ever had?
In the run-up to the 25th, last-minute shoppers are still scouring the streets in search of the perfect Christmas gift. But not every gift is a hit. We asked shoppers in Convent Garden, London, to recall the least exciting present they had ever received
Ali Dearman, 16, Sixth-form student
I got a Baby-G watch, which is a girl's watch, instead of the G-Shock watch I really wanted.
Ros Fetnasi, 41, charity manager
I was given an exhaust for my motorbike many years ago my least exciting Christmas present ever.
Mike Lee, 50, Chief executive
A very old friend gave me a metal parrot. Our friendship hasn't been the same since.
Gideon Van Niekerk, 28, Teacher
There is no bad gift, although I did get a pin-striped suit last year which was a little strange as I'm not into suits. But I did need one.
Hilary Latham, 60, Homeopath
A great-aunt gave me a set of laminated hankies with nursery rhymes when I was a teenager.
Peggy Ainsworth, 76, Retired
I suppose the most boring has to be a cuddly toy I got from a distant relative a couple of years ago. I liked it anyway, though.
Joanna Smith, 32, Lawyer
I got an old lady's scarf from M&S from my boyfriend last year. It had a horrible brash pattern friends said I looked like a BA air hostess.
Darius Ziatabari, 26, Magician
An orange bar of soap from Lush from my mum last year. It smelt of bad oranges.
Andy Holcombe, 44, Marketing Manager
One sprout, in my stocking. Daughter, Sally, (5): a flannel; son Ben, (12): another flannel.
David Sarquis, 53, Professor in Mexico City
One of my students gave me a dozen red roses four years ago, which I thought was a little inappropriate.
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