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Lab worker 'saw other incriminating pictures'

Terri Judd
Saturday 22 January 2005 01:00 GMT

More allegations of British soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners were made yesterday after a second photo laboratory worker claimed to have seen incriminating pictures.

More allegations of British soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners were made yesterday after a second photo laboratory worker claimed to have seen incriminating pictures.

From the audience of BBC's Question Time, an unidentified woman claimed she had seen photographs of what appeared to be an officer with an Iraqi prisoner. She failed to alert authorities.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Defence confirmed the Royal Military Police's Special Investigation Branch had interviewed the woman but she was unable to provide enough information for them to investigate further.

Photographs showing alleged abuse of Iraqi prisoners were published on Tuesday during the court martial in Germany of three soldiers charged with abusing Iraqi civilians. They were uncovered after a photo lab assistant called police.

Question Time was debating the issue on Thursday night when the woman spoke up. She said she worked in a photo lab and saw a series of pictures that looked like a soldier with an Iraqi prisoner in a corner. The series, she said, started with the officer taking off his jacket and then the prisoner was "on his haunches and being beaten up".

"At the time I just thought it's something that happens, it's interrogation," she added.

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