Honours: Order of the British Empire, Civil - DBE and CBE
Order of the British Empire
Dame Commander (DBE)
Brindley, Mrs Lynne Janie, Chief exec, Brit Library. For serv Educ. Davies, Dr Prof Kay Elizabeth, CBE, Lee's Prof of Anatomy, Univ of Oxf and dir, Functional Genetics Unit, Medical Research Ccl. For serv Science. O'Loan, Mrs Nuala Patricia, Lately Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland. For publ serv. Reynolds, Ms Fiona Claire, CBE, Dir-Gen, National Trust. For serv Heritage and to Conservation. Tanner, Dr Mary Elizabeth, OBE, Presdt, World Ccl of Churches. For serv the Worldwide Anglican Church. Wilson, Mrs Jacqueline, OBE, Children's Author and ltly Children's Laureate. For serv Literature.
Commander (CBE)
Babar, Mrs Diana, Team Leader, Litigation and Employment Group, Treas Solicitor's Dept. Badman, Graham Michael, Dir of Children's Services, Kent Cnty Ccl. For serv Local Govt. Baggott, Matthew David, QPM, Ch Const, Leicestershire Constabulary. For serv the Police. Bell, Mrs Eileen, Lately Presiding Offr (Speaker), Northern Ireland Assembly. For publ serv. Bennett, Maurice, Entrepreneur. For serv the Retail ind. Bent, Dr Margaret, Sen Research Fellow, All Souls College, Oxf. For serv Musicology. Lady Bernstein Of Craigweil, Angela Mary, For serv the Arts. Bradbury, Richard Edward, Chief exec, River Island. For serv the Retail ind. Braddock, Dr Christine, Principal, Matthew Boulton College, Birmingham. For serv Further Educ. Brown, Prof Michael Alan, DL, Vice-Chancellor, Liverpool John Moores Univ. For serv Higher Educ and to the commty in Liverpool. Buggins, Mrs Elisabeth Mary, Chair, NHS West Midlands. For serv Healthcare. Cameron, Andrew, QPM, Ch Const, Central Scotland Police. For serv the Police. Collins, Ms Evelyn, Chief exec, Equality Commn for Northern Ireland. For publ serv. Condron, John, Chief exec, Yell Group plc. For serv Business. Cook, Allan Edward, Chief exec, Cobham plc. For serv the Defence and Aerospace Industries. Curtis, Mrs Bronwen Mary, Lately Civil Service commr and chm, Northampton Gen Hospital NHS Trust. For serv the commty. Douglas, Anthony Gordon, Chief exec, Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service. For serv Family Justice and to Adoption. Earnshaw, Malcolm Terry, Lately dir-Gen, Incorporated Society of Brit Advertisers. For serv the Advertising ind. Easton, Murray Simpson, mgg dir, Submarine Solutions, BAE Systems. For serv the Maritime ind. Ferguson, Prof Michael Anthony John, Prof of Molecular Parasitology, Univ of Dundee. For serv Science. Foster, Brendan, MBE, Founder, Great North Run. For serv Sport. Frawley, Dr Thomas Jude, For publ serv in Northern Ireland. Furber, Prof Stephen Byram, ICL Prof of Computer Engineering, Univ of Manchester. For serv Computer Science. Garwood, Alan Douglas, Lately hd of Defence Export Services, MOD. Godfrey, Dennis, Lately Grade 5, Northern Ireland Office. Golding, Dr David William, For serv the World Poverty Campaign. Goldring, Mark Ian, Chief exec Offr, Voluntary Services Overseas. For serv Disadvantaged People. Graham, Ms Teresa Colomba, OBE, Lately Dep Chair, Better Regulation Commn. For publ serv. Green, Robert John, Lately dir, Inspate Reform, Ofsted, Dept for Children, Schools and Families. Greenwood, Prof Jeremy John Denis, Lately dir, Brit Trust for Ornithology. For serv Conservation. Hanafin, Terry, Lately Ch exec, Essex Strategic HA. For serv the NHS. Handover, Richard Gordon, Chair, Adult Learning Inspate. For serv Skills and to ind. Hargrave, Keith, Lately Headteach, The Canterbury High School, Kent. For serv Educ. Hargreaves, Dr Jonathan Watson, Lately Ch exec, Scottish Water. For serv the Water ind. Harris, Ms Lorna, Head of Internat Co-operation Unit and Civil Recovery Unit, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, Scottish exec. Harvey, Dr Felicity, Dir of Medicines, Pharmacy and ind Group, Dept of Health. Hawley, Prof Christine, Architect and Teacher. For serv Architectural Educ. Hill, Peter John, Chief exec, Laird Group plc. For serv the Engineering ind. Hogbin, Ms Ann Denise, Chef de Mission, Commwlth Games Ccl for Eng. For serv Sport. Hornsby, Timothy Richard, Commr, National Lottery. For publ serv. Hurst, Mrs Rachel Mary Rosalind, OBE, Dir, Disability Awareness in Action. For serv Disabled People. Ighodaro, Mrs Claire, For serv Business. Image, Selwyn Dyson, JP, Founder, Emmaus Communities in UK. For serv Homeless People. Jones, Peter Ivan, Lately Chair, Horserace Totalisator Board. For serv the Racing ind. Kirkup, Dr Bill, Dir-Gen, Clinical Programmes, Dept of Health. Knowles, Prof David, Sen Associate, The King's Fund. For serv Healthcare. Kureishi, Hanif, Playwright, Author and dir. For serv Literature and Drama. Lennox, Dr Angela Isabella Agnes, MBE, DL, Gen Medical Practitioner, Leicester. For serv Healthcare. Leonard, Brian Henry, Dir, ind Dirate, Culture, Creativity and Economy Group, Dept for Culture, Media and Sport. Lewis, Miss Susan, Her Majesty's ch insp of Educ and Training in Wales. For serv Educ. Linkston, Alex, Chief exec, West Lothian Ccl. For serv Local Govt. Lloyd, Mrs Ann Judith, Head of Health and Social Services Dept and Ch exec NHS Wales, Welsh Assembly Govt. Lloyd, Ms Elizabeth Ann, Lately Special Adviser, Prime Minr's Office. Lucas, Ms Irene, Chief exec, South Tyneside Borough Ccl. For serv Local Govt. Lund, Prof Valerie Joan, Prof of Rhinology, Ear Inst, and Hon consult, R National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital, R Free NHS Trust. For serv Medicine. MacIver, Matthew MacLeod, Chief exec and Registrar, Gen Teaching Ccl for Scotland. For serv Educ. Mason, Ms Angela, OBE, Lately dir, Women and Equality Unit, Dept for Communities and Local Govt. Mbubaegbu, Mrs Stella, Principal and Ch exec, Highbury College, Portsmouth and Chair, Black Leadership Initiative. For serv Further Educ. McCartan, Patrick, Chair, Lab Relations Agency. For serv Employment Relations in Northern Ireland. McNally, Shaun George, Area dir, Cheshire/Merseyside, HM Courts Service, Ministry of Justice. Metcalf, Prof David Harry, Lately commr, Low Pay Commn. For publ serv. Mills, John Frederick, Lately dir of Rural Policy, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Milne, Stewart, Chair and Ch exec, Stewart Milne Group. For serv the Housebuilding ind in Scotland. Noble, Prof Michael William John, OBE, Prof of Social Policy, Univ of Oxf. For serv Social Research on Poverty and Deprivation. Paterson, Dr George Matthew, Dir, Food Standards Agency, Scotland. Peace, Mrs Elizabeth, For serv the Property ind. Pearlman, Her Honour Judge Valerie Anne, Sen Circuit Judge. For serv the Administration of Justice. Petersen, Prof Ole Holger, George Holt Prof of Physiology, Univ of Liverpool and Medical Research Ccl Research Prof. For serv Science. Phillips, Leslie Samuel, OBE, Actor. For serv Drama. Pipe, Julian Benjamin, Mayor, London Borough of Hackney. For serv Local Govt. Poliakoff, Prof Martyn, Research Prof in Chemistry, The Univ of Nottingham. For serv Science. Quysner, David William, Chair, Abingworth Management Limited. For serv the Venture Capital ind. Reid, Prof Seona, Dir, Glasgow School of Art. For serv the Creative Industries. Ridley, Mrs Paula Frances Cooper, OBE, Lately Chair, Board of Trustees, Victoria and Albert Museum. For serv the Arts. Woods-Scawen, Dr Brian, DL, For serv Business and to the commty in the West Midlands. Shaw, Prof William Christie, Prof of Orthodontics, Univ of Manchester. For serv Dentistry. Shepherd, Prof Jonathan Paul, Dir, Violence and Society Research Group, Cardiff Univ. For serv Healthcare, and to the Criminal Justice System. Saumarez Smith, Dr Charles Robert, Lately dir, National Gallery. For serv Art. Smith, John Allan Raymond, For serv Medical Educ and to Training. Spratt, Prof Brian Geoffrey, Prof of Molecular Microbiology, Imperial College Faculty of Medicine, London. For serv Science. Still, David John, mgg dir, Clipper Windpower. For serv the Energy ind. Stirling, Mrs Teresa Anne, Head of Histories, Openness and Records Unit, Cabinet Office. Stourton, Nigel John Ivo, OBE, For charitable serv. Studzinski, John Joseph Paul, For serv the Arts and to Charity. Summersgill, Richard, Dir of Child Benefit and Tax Credit Offices, HM Revenue and Customs. Tiner, John Ivan, Lately Ch exec, Financial Services Authority. For serv the Finance ind. Tracey, Stanley William, OBE, Pianist and Composer. For serv Jazz Music. Wallace, Ms Marjorie Shiona, MBE, Founder and Ch exec, SANE. For serv Mental Healthcare. Waller, Mrs Sarah, Nurse and Programme dir, King's Fund. For serv Nursing and to the NHS. Walters, Ms Julie, OBE, Actor. For serv Drama. Wasik, Prof Martin, Lately Chair, Sentencing Advisory Panel. For serv the Criminal Justice System. Weir, Mrs Helen, Group Finance dir, Lloyds TSB. For serv the Finance ind. Whitney, John Norton Braithwaite, For serv Radio Broadcasting and to the Arts. Williamson, Philip Frederick, Lately Ch exec, Nationwide Building Society. For serv the Finance ind. Young, Paul, OBE, Chief Fire Offr, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service. For serv Local Govt.
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