Birthday honours: list in full
PART ONE: Knights Bachelor; Order of the Bath; Order of St Michael and St George; Royal Victorian Order; Royal Victorian Medal; Order of the British Empire, Civil: Order of the British Empire: OBE, CBE
Knights Bachelor
Aaronson, Michael John, CBE, Formerly dir-gen, Save the Children. For serv Children. Anderson, Prof Roy Malcolm, Chief Scientific Adviser, MOD. Asbridge, Jonathan Elliott, Presdt, Nursing and Midwifery Ccl. For serv NHS and Nursing. Bettison, Norman George, QPM, Chief exec, Centrex and ltly Ch Const, Merseyside Police. For serv the Police. Crosby, James Robert, Chief exec, HBOS plc. For serv the Finance ind. Cruickshank, Donald Gordon, For publ serv. Cunliffe, Prof Barrington Windsor, CBE, Prof of European Archaeology, Univ of Oxf. For serv Archaeology. Aynsley-Green, Prof Albert, Children's commr for Eng. For serv Children and Young People. Green, Philip, Retail exec. For serv the Retail ind. Grundy, Mark, Headteach, Shireland Language College, Smethwick, Sandwell, West Midlands. For serv Educ and to ICT. Hunt, Dr Richard Timothy, Principal Scientist, Cancer Research UK. For serv Science. Haji-Ioannou, Stelios, For serv Entrepreneurship. Ivory, Brian Gammell, CBE, Chair, Board of Trustees, National Galleries of Scotland. For serv the Arts. Knight, Kenneth John, CBE, QFSM, Commr, London Fire Brigade. For serv the Fire and Rescue Service. Leese, cclr Richard Charles, CBE, Leader, Manchester City Ccl. For serv Local Govt. Margetts, Robert John, CBE, Chair, Natural Environment Research Ccl. For serv Science and to Business. Michels, David Michael Charles, Formerly Ch exec, Hilton Group plc. For serv Hospitality ind. Richards, David Gerald, Chair, Football Association Premier League and Football Foundation. For serv Sport. Simpson, Dr Peter Jeffery, Presdt, R College of Anaesthetists. For serv NHS. Sunderland, John Michael, Chair, Cadbury Schweppes and pres, Confedn of Brit ind. For serv Business. Thomas, Gilbert Stanley, OBE, For serv Business and to Charity in Wales. Wheeler, Charles Cornelius, CMG, For serv Broadcasting and to Journalism. Williams, Prof Roger, Chair, Higher Educ Funding Ccl for Wales. For serv Higher Educ.
Order of the Bath
Knight Commander (KCB)
Elvidge, John, Permanent sec, Scottish exec. Rowlands, David, CB, Permanent sec, Dept for Transport. Sands, Roger Blakemore, Clerk of the House and Ch exec, House of Commons.
Companion (CB)
Allen, Philip Richard Hernaman, Formerly dir, Corporate Services, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Bacon, John William, Formerly Group dir, Health and Social Care Delivery, Dept of Health. Bell, Dr Jonathan Richard, Formerly Ch exec, Food Standards Agency. Brooks, Simon, Dir, Macroecons, HM Treas. Egan, Mrs Michelle Mary, Regional Offender mgr, National Offender Management Service. Jeffery, Thomas Baird, Dir-Gen, Children, Young People and Families, Dept for Educ and Skills. Kerrigan, Mrs Greer Sandra, Legal dir, Law, Governance and Special Policy Group, Dept for Work and Pensions. Montgomery, Joseph, Dir-Gen, Tackling Disadvantage Group, Dept for Communities and Local Govt. Munro, Mrs Nicola Susan, Head, Development Dept, Scottish exec. Muttukumaru, Christopher Peter Jayantha, Legal Adviser and Legal Services dir, Dept for Transport. Oates, Laurence, Official Solicitor and Public Trustee, Dept for Constitutional Affairs. Pritchard, David Alan, Formerly hd, Economic Development and Transport Dept, National Assembly for Wales.
Order of St Michael and St George
Commander (CMG)
Lambert, Miss Gillian Mary Anne, Dep UK perm Representative to the EU in Brussels. Vallely, Paul, For serv Journalism and to the Developing World.
Royal Victorian Order
Knight Commander (KCVO)
Hankes-Drielsma, Claude Dunbar, Formerly Trustee and Adviser, St. George's House, Windsor Castle. Henderson, Maj Richard Yates, Lord-Lt of Ayrshire and Arran. Hobson, Ronald, For serv chty. Taylor, Robert Richard, OBE, Lord-Lt of the West Midlands.
Commander (CVO)
Lewis, Adam Anthony Murless, Formerly Serjeant Surgeon, R Household.
Lieutenant (LVO)
Cockcroft, Maj Barnaby, Lt, Her Majesty's Body Guard of the Hon Corps of Gentlemen at Arms. Frost, Miss Anne, Lady in Waiting to Princess Michael of Kent. Longsdon, Col Robert Shaun, Lt, The Queen's Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard. Montagu, Miss Jennifer Iris Rachel, For serv the R Collection. Pittaway, Lt Cdr Christopher William, MVO, R Navy (Retd), mgr/ch Pilot, The Queen's Helicopter Flight. Sharp, Eric Stephen, Formerly Operations dir, The Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Stewart, Capt Colin Michael Cato, Formerly asst of the Corporation of Trinity Ho.
Member (MVO)
Archer, Peter James George, Formerly Court Correspondent, Press Association. Bonici, Tonino, RVM, Palace Foreman, Buckingham Palace. Christodoulou, Mrs Antigoni, Clerk Comptroller, The Duke and Duchess of Kent's Household. Cradock, Paul Frank, Horological Conservator, R Collection. Croasdale, Philip Shaun, RVM, Standards and Training mgr, Master of the Household's Dept. Curtis, Chief Insp Richard James, Norfolk Constabulary. For serv Rty Protection. Fromont, Mark, RVM, Premier Chef, R Household. Gooch, Miss Lucinda, Retail and Publishing Co-ordinator, R Collection. Holt, Andrew Mark, Building Surveyor, Sandringham Estate. Kelly, Miss Mary Angela, Pers asst and Sen Dresser to The Queen. Morgan, Ms Vivienne Bowen, Dir, The Prince's Trust, Carmarthenshire. Pattle, W Cdr Richard Edward George, R Air Force, fmrly Equerry to The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall. Pendry, Terence Alan, BEM, Stud Groom and mgr, R Mews, Windsor Castle. Pithers, Mrs Jane, Formerly Personnel mgr, Crown Estate, Windsor. Quirk, Insp Carol Alexandra, Met Pol. For serv Rty Protection. Randall, Miss Lynette Joyce, Head of Savill Garden, Crown Estate, Windsor Great Park. Ryan, Sgt Dominic Charles, Met Pol. For serv Rty Protection. Stanley, Brian Alan Ernest, RVM, Stud Groom, R Paddocks, Hampton Court. Welch, Miss Susan Elaine, Sec, Lieutenancy Office, Derbyshire. Wynter, Mrs Norma Mae Blossom, Pers sec to the Governor-Gen of Jamaica.
Charlett, Edward George Reginald, RVM, Groom of the Vestry, Her Majesty's Chapel R, St. James's Palace. Griffiths, Keith Howard, RVM, Courier, R Household. Harrowsmith, Anthony Albert, RVM, Formerly ch Woodman, Crewe Survey, Duchy of Lancaster. Kerr, John Trodden, RVM, Leading Palace Attendant, Windsor Castle. Standen, Roger Edward, RVM, Sen Housekeeping asst, Buckingham Palace.
Cartwright, Colin Richard, Formerly Lay Clerk, St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle. Craddock, Trevor John, Lay Clerk, St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle. Cuthbert, Stephen, Gamekeeper, Sandringham Estate. Dennis, Karl Patrick, Forestry Worker, Sandringham Estate. Dent, Mrs Avril Janette Cranston, Dep Housekeeper, Palace of Holyroodhouse. Gordon, Miss Rachel Ann Jane, Assistant Housekeeper, Windsor Castle. Henderson, William Allan, Page of the Backstairs, Master of the Household's Dept. Jones, Robert Stephen, Palace Attendant, Buckingham Palace. Peggie, Thomas Robert, Sen Painter, Balmoral Estate. Read, Stephen John, Horticulturalist/Steward, Thatched House Lodge. Reed, John Leonard, Stud Hand, R Studs, Sandringham. Sturgess, Russell Peter, Forestry Team Supervisor, Crown Estate, Windsor.
Order of the British Empire
Dame Commander (DBE)
Campbell, Miss Jane Susan, MBE, Formerly Chair, Social Care Inst for Excellence. For serv Social Care and to Disabled People. Genn, Prof Hazel Gillian, CBE, Prof of Socio-Legal Studies, Univ College, London. For serv Civil Justice. Jordan, Prof Carole, Prof of Physics, Dept of Physics (Theoretical Physics), Univ of Oxf. For serv Physics and Astronomy. Nelson, Prof Janet Laughland, Prof of Medieval History, King's College, Univ of London. For serv History. Silver, Dr Ruth Muldoon, CBE, Principal, Lewisham College, London. For serv Further Educ.
Commander (CBE)
Aldhouse, Francis George Boden, Formerly Dep Information commr. For serv Data Protection. Bain, Douglas Kinloch, TD, Formerly dir of Services, Northern Ireland Prison Service.
Barker, Ms Katharine Mary, Board Member, Housing Corporation. For serv Social Housing. Barrett, Dr Peter John, Chair, Independent Reconfiguration Panel. For serv the NHS. Barron, James Kevin, Head, Independent Offices, Cabinet Office. Bate, Prof Jonathan, Prof of Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature, Univ of Warwick. For serv Higher Educ. Battle, Mrs Susan, OBE, Chief exec Offr, Birmingham Chamber of Commerce and ind. For serv Business in the West Midlands. Beggs, Prof Jean Duthie, R Society Darwin Trust Research Prof and Prof of Molecular Biology, Univ of Edinburgh. For serv Science. Belcher, Dr John William, Chief exec, Anchor Trust. For serv Elderly People. Bell, Prof Margaret Carol, Prof of Traffic and Environment Pollution, Inst of Transport Studies, Univ of Leeds. For serv Sustainable Transport. Bennett, Anthony Richard, Gen-sec, Brit Overseas Non-Govt Organisations for Development (BOND). For serv Internat Development. Bennett, Dr Seton John, Dep dir, National Physical Laboratory. For serv Internat Metrology. Bigland, Mrs Brenda, Headteach, Lent Rise Combined School, Burnham, Buckinghamshire. For serv Educ. Blackwood, David John, Dir, BP Exploration Operating Company. For serv the Oil and Gas Industries. Bowdler, Timothy John, Chief exec, Johnston Press plc. For serv the Newspaper ind. Brownlee, Michael, Dep hd, Pricing and Supply, Medicines, Pharmacy and ind Group, Dept of Health. Burns, Prof Thomas Patrick, Prof of Social Psychiatry, Oxf Univ Medical School and Oxfshire and Buckinghamshire Mental Healthcare NHS Trust. For serv Mental Health. Burstein, Mrs Joan, Co-Founder, Browns, Fashion Store. For serv the Fashion and Retail Industries. Bussell, Ms Darcey Andrea, OBE, Company Principal, R Ballet. For serv Dance. Byles, Timothy John, Chief exec, Norfolk Cnty Ccl. For serv Local Govt.
Callcutt, John, Chief exec, English Partnerships. For serv Social Housing and to Urban Regeneration. Campbell, Gordon Arden, Chair, Brit Nuclear Fuels Ltd. For serv Business and to Engineering. Campbell , Dr Simon Fraser, Presdt, R Society of Chemistry. For serv Science. Capper, William James, Chair and ltly mgg dir, Capper & Co Ltd. For serv Business and to the commty in Wales. Cass, Wilfred, Co-Founder, Cass Sculpture Foundation. For serv Art. Clarke, Miss Sarah Regina Florence, Chief Highways Engineer, Highways Agency. Coldwell, Richard Edward Davidson, Board Member, Higher Educ Funding Ccl for Eng. For serv Higher Educ. Couper, Mrs Jean, Formerly chm, Scottish Legal Aid Board. For serv the administration of Justice. Craig, Dr Claire Harvey, Formerly dir, Foresight Programme, Office of Science and Technology.
Davies, Lynn, MBE, For serv Sport, in particular Athletics. Dickinson, Gordon Charles, Formerly asst dir, Serious Fraud Office and Solicitor to the Bloody Sunday Inquiry. Drake, Ms Jeannie, OBE, Formerly Member, Pensions Commn. For serv the Pension ind. Durrant, Arthur Joseph, Dir, Centralised Processing, HM Revenue and Customs.
Edwards, Mrs Christina Elizabeth, Account dir/dir of Nursing, Performance Support Team, Cnty Durham and Tees Valley Strategic HA. For serv the NHS. Everard, William Derek, mgg dir, F.T. Everard and Sons Ltd. For serv the Shipping ind.
Flint, Douglas Jardine, Group Finance dir, HSBC Holdings plc. For serv the Finance ind.
Garlick, David, OBE, Dir, Large Business Service, HM Revenue and Customs. Glover, Ms Anne Margaret, Co-Founder and Ch exec Offr, Amadeus Capital Partners Limited. For serv Business. Greenwood, Michael John, Regional dir, Local Govt Practice, North West, Dept for Communities and Local Govt.
Hackitt, Ms Judith Elizabeth, Dir, Chemistry for Europe Implementation, European Chemical ind Ccl. For serv Occupational Health and Safety. Hamilton, Mrs Helen Clare, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Oxf Radcliffe Hospital. For serv Healthcare. Harris, Rolf, OBE, For serv Entertainment and to the Arts. Hartney, Anthony, Headteach, Gladesmore commty School, Haringey, London. For serv Educ. Hastie, Prof Nicholas, Dir, Human Genetics Unit, Medical Research Ccl. For serv Science. Hayman, Andrew Christopher, QPM, Assistant commr, Specialist Crime, Met Pol. For serv the Police. Hendry, Ms Sarah Elizabeth, Head, Global Atmosphere Division, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Ironside, Prof James Wilson, Prof of Clinical Neuropathology, National Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Surveillance Unit, Univ of Edinburgh. For serv Medicine. Irving, Prof George Livingston, Chair, Ayrshire and Arran NHS Board. For serv the NHS and to the commty in Ayrshire.
Jones, Dr Barrie, Chief Operating Offr, Mines Rescue Service Ltd. For serv the Coal ind. Jones, Ms Karen Elisabeth Dind, Chief exec, Spirit Group. For serv the Hospitality ind.
Kirk, Richard, Chief exec, Peacock Group plc. For serv Business and to Charity in Wales. Kuyk, Andrew Gerard, Head, Crops, Plants and Produce Division, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Kyle, David William, For serv the Criminal Justice System.
Leach, Mrs Jennifer Irene, Formerly ch Guide, Girlguiding UK. For serv Young People. Lord, Peter, Co-Founder, Aardman Animation Ltd. For serv Animation and Film.
MacIntyre, Prof Sarah Jane, OBE, Dir, Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, Medical Research Ccl; and Hon Prof, Univ of Glasgow. For serv Social Science. Mantel, Ms Hilary Mary, Writer. For serv Literature. Martin, Peter, For serv people who misuse substances. Maudslay, Richard Henry, Dep chm, Hardy & Greys Ltd. For serv Business in the North East. Freedman-Miller, Mrs Amelia, MBE, Founder and Artistic dir, Nash Ensemble. For serv Music. Milligan, John Robert, Chair of Court, Univ of Dundee. For serv Higher Educ and to Welfare to Work. Mitchell, George, Formerly Ch exec, Corporate Banking, HBOS plc and Governor, Bank of Scotland. For serv the Finance ind. Morris, Dr Lynne Patricia, Principal, Joseph Chamberlain College, Birmingham. For serv Further Educ. Myers, John Maughan, Formerly Sen Operating Offr, The Pension Service.
Nicoli, Eric Luciano, exec Chair, EMI Group plc. For serv the Music ind.
Paterson, Douglas McCallum, Chief exec, Aberdeen City Ccl. For serv Local Govt. Penny, Prof Richard Henry Collins, For serv Veterinary Educ and Animal Welfare. Phillips, His Honour Judge John Andrew, For serv the Criminal Justice System. Pine, Prof Cynthia, Dean of Dental Studies, Univ of Liverpool. For serv Dentistry. Pogson, Kevin, Regional dir for the South East, Her Majesty's Court Service.
Railton, Mrs Elizabeth, Hon sec, Association of Dirs of Social Services and dir of Children's Services, Essex Cnty Ccl. For serv Local Govt. Rantzen, Ms Esther Louise (Mrs Wilcox), OBE, Presdt, ChildLine; Trustee, NSPCC and pres, Association of Young People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. For serv Children and Young People. Robinson, Prof Francis Christopher Rowland, Prof of History of South Asia, R Holloway, Univ of London. For serv Higher Educ and to the History of Islam.
Sanderson, Stephen John, Headteach, St. Joan of Arc Roman Catholic Primary School, Bootle, Sefton. For serv Educ. Smail, Prof Simon Andrew, Dean, School of Postgraduate Medical and Dental Educ, Cardiff Univ. For serv Medicine. Spanswick, John Edward, chm, Bovis Lend Lease. For serv Health and Safety and to the Construction ind. Spence, Christopher Alexander, MBE, For charitable serv. Sproxton, David, Co-Founder, Aardman Animation Ltd. For serv Animation and Film.
Temple, Mrs Mollie, Formerly vice Chancellor, Univ of Bolton. For serv Higher Educ. Thomas, Mrs Patricia Anne, Formerly Local Govt Ombudsman. For serv Local Govt. Thorne, Mrs Margaret Edith, OBE, Chair, Neath Port Talbot Ccl of Voluntary Service. For charitable serv in Wales. Turtle, William Brian, Dir and Ch exec, Belfast Inst of Further and Higher Educ. For serv Further Educ and to Lifelong Learning.
Unwin, Ms Julia, OBE, Dep-Chair, Food Standards Agency. For serv Consumers.
Veale, Ms Sarah, Head, Equality and Employment Rights, Trades Union Congress. For serv Diversity.
Walker, Stephen, Chief exec, NHS Litigation Authority. For serv the NHS. Warner, Ms Deborah, Theatre and Opera dir. For serv Drama. Warwick, Prof Cathy, Hon Prof of Midwifery, King's College London School of Midwifery. For serv Healthcare. Wilding, Miss Barbara, QPM, Ch Const, South Wales Police. For serv the Police. Wilson, Dr Hamish Robert McHattie, Formerly hd, Primary Care Division, Scottish exec. Wilson, Mrs Janet Mary, Leader, Sheffield City Ccl. For serv Local Govt. Wilson, Mrs Lynda, Dir, Barnardo's Northern Ireland. For serv Children and Families. Wilson, Roger James, Head, Dept for Internat Development, Malawi. Wyman, Peter Lewis, For serv the Accountancy Profession.
Order of the British Empire
Officer (OBE)
Alam, Saghir, Disability Rights commr. For serv Disabled People. Aldridge, Leslie Alexander, Formerly Leader, Flintshire Cnty Ccl and Leader, Welsh Local Govt Association. For serv Local Govt. Allen, Ms Caroline, Principal, Orchard Hill Specialist Further Educ College, Sutton, Surrey. For serv Further Educ. Antrobus, David Lowden, Chair, Brit Business and Gen Aviation Association. For serv Aviation. Armstrong, Robert David, Formerly dir, United Utilities Water plc. For serv the Water ind. Arnold, Barry Edward, mgg dir, Stagecoach London Bus Company and Chair, Confedn of Passenger Transport London Operators' Group. For serv the Bus ind in London. Arthur, The Reverend William John, Trans-European dir, Adventist Development and Relief Agency. For serv Overseas Aid. Au, Shun Ying, Chair and Founder, Chinese Mental Health Association. For serv the Chinese commty. Axford, Dr Alan Thomas, Medical dir, Ceredigion and Mid-Wales NHS Trust. For serv Medicine.
Banbury, Keith, Chief exec, Brit Parking Association. For serv the Parking ind. Barclay, James Christopher, Formerly Non-exec dir, United Kingdom Debt Management Office. For serv the Finance ind. Barr , Dr Alan, Co-dir, Scottish commty Development Centre and vice-Chair, commty Development Alliance Scotland. For serv Social Justice in Scotland. Bates, Ms Francine, Chief exec, Contact a Family. For serv Families with Disabled Children. Belfield, Eric, Formerly Divisional dir, Programme Delivery, Highways Agency (Deceased). Berry, Ms Lynne, Chief exec, Gen Social Care Ccl. For serv Social Care. Bhaumik, Dr Sabyasachi, Consultant Pyschiatrist, Learning Disability Services, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust. For serv Medicine. Black, Richard George, Chief exec, North and West Belfast Health and Social Services Trust. For serv Healthcare in Northern Ireland. Blanshard, Ms Catherine, Chief of Libraries, Arts and Heritage, Leeds City Ccl. For serv Local Govt. Bond, Miss Annabelle, For serv Mountaineering and to the Eve Appeal. Bostock , Philip, Chief exec, Exeter City Ccl. For serv Local Govt in the South West. Bownes, Prof Mary, Prof of Development Biology, Univ of Edinburgh. For serv Science. Boyd, Douglas Turner, Chair, Macaulay Development Trust. For serv Publicly Funded Research. Brayshaw, Nick, Chair, Confedn of Brit ind Manufacturing Ccl. For serv ind. Brewis, Lt Col Simon David Richard Wynn, MBE, For serv the Army Benevolent Fund. Brown, Prof Charles George Duncan, For serv Tropical Veterinary Medicine. Brown, Mrs Sandra May, Founder, Moira Anderson Foundation. For serv Child Protection in Scotland. Burrell, Julian, Chair, Wales Tourism Alliance. For serv the Tourist ind. Burt, John, Principal and Ch exec, Angus College. For serv Further Educ in Scotland. Bush, Cliff, Chair, North West Surrey Association of Disabled People. For serv the commty in Surrey. Bushell, Peter James, Chief exec, Brixham Co-operative Society Limited. For serv Business and to Economic Regeneration in Torbay, Devon.
Cadman, Mrs Deborah Ann, Chief exec, St. Edmundsbury Borough Ccl. For serv Local Govt in Suffolk. Campbell, David Gordon, For serv Homeless People in London. Campbell, Mrs Jean Blair, MBE, Headteach, Glendale Primary School, Glasgow. For serv Educ. Campbell, Mrs Wilma Tosh, Board Member, Highlands and Islands Enterprise. For serv Economic Development. Capel, David John, Team Leader, EU Student Finance Team, Higher Educ Dirate, Dept for Educ and Skills. Carr, Mrs Sarah, Founder Member, National Day Nurseries Association. For serv Children and Families. Chadha, Gurinder, Dir, Producer and Screenwriter. For serv the Brit Film ind. Cheeroth, Dr Sheila Ajantha, Gen Medical Practitioner, Limehouse, London. For serv Refugee Doctors and to Healthcare. Chisnall, David Peter, Dep chm, AsFare Group plc. For serv the Fire ind. Chiswell, Dr David, Chair, Arrow Therapeutics Ltd. For serv the UK Bioscience ind in the UK and Overseas. Clarke, Mrs Beverley, Formerly Lead Health Visitor, commty Practitioners' and Health Visitors' Association. For serv Black and Minority Ethnic Fostering. Cleary, Mrs Bernadette Mildred, Founder, Rainbow Trust Children's Charity. For serv Children with Serious Health Problems. Clement, David James, Hon Treasurer, Northern Ireland Ccl for Voluntary Action. For serv the commty in Northern Ireland. Cook, Gerald Francis Edward, Formerly vice-Chair, Commwlth Association of Tax Administrators, and Sen Policy Adviser, HM Revenue and Customs. Cooper, Ms Rosalyn Anne, Health Adviser, Uganda, Dept for Internat Development. Cowan, Joseph, Chair, Enterprise Ulster. For serv the commty in Northern Ireland. Cowlishaw, Raymond Harold, Chief exec, Derby City Ccl. For serv Local Govt. Craik, Mrs Hilary Margaret, Headteach, Stevenson Junior School, Stapleford, Nottinghamshire. For serv Educ. Cranbrook, Caroline, Countess. For serv the Red Meat ind in the East of Eng. Crawford, William John, Elections and Administration Offr, Sunderland City Ccl. For serv Local Govt. Crawshaw, Michael James, Headteach, Debenham Church of Eng Voluntary Controlled High School, Debenham, Suffolk. For serv Educ. Creelman, Graham, mgg dir, Anglia Television. For serv Broadcasting. Croft, David McKillop, Governor, HM Prison Edinburgh, HM Prison Service. Crook, Jeremy Ian, Dir, Black Training and Enterprise Group. For serv commty Relations and to Diversity. Cross, Douglas, Dir, Corporate Services, Tayside Police. For serv the Police. Crouch, Mrs Sunny Joyce, mgg dir, World Trade Centre, London. For serv Business, Regeneration and Tourism in the UK. Curran, Edmund Russell, Formerly Editor, Belfast Telegraph. For serv Journalism. Curry, Ms Diane, Dir of Operations, Partners of Prisoners and dir of Black Prisoners Support Project. For serv Black and Minority Ethnic Prisoners and their families. Curtis, Dr John Edward, Keeper, Dept of Ancient Near East, Brit Museum. For serv Museums.
Dance, Charles, Actor and dir. For serv Drama. Dangoor, Dr Naim Eliahou, For serv the Jewish commty and to Educ. Davies, Prof Christine Tullis Hunter, Prof of Physics, Univ of Glasgow. For serv Science. Davison, Michael, For serv Sick and Disabled People in Hexham and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Derricott, Robert, JP, For serv the Administration of Justice in Gwent. Dinsmore, Mrs Adeline Gilmore, Principal, Ashfield Girls' High School, Belfast. For serv Educ. Dodd, Barry John, Chair and Ch exec, GSM Group and Board Member, Yorkshire Forward. For serv Business in the Humber Region and Yorkshire. Dodgson, Ms Pauline, Formerly dir, Gateshd Voluntary Organisations Ccl. For serv the Voluntary Sector. Doran, Ms Kathy, Chief exec, Birkenhd and Wallasey Primary Care Trust. For serv the NHS. Douglas, Dr Pamela Margaret, For serv Overseas Aid.
Edwards, The Reverend Aled, For charitable serv in Wales. Edwards, Brian David, Governor, HM Young Offenders' Inst and Remand Centre, Glen Parva, Leicester.
Fabian, Prof Andrew Christopher, Head, X-ray Astronomy Group, Inst of Astronomy, Univ of Camb. For serv Science. Fannin, Mrs Lorraine, Dir, Scottish Publishers' Association. For serv Business. Fedorcio, Richard Edward, Dir, Public Affairs, Met Pol Service. For serv the Police. Ferguson, David Alexander, Holyrood Project Adviser, Scottish Parliament. Fitzpatrick, John Francis, Dir, Kent Law Clinic. For serv the Adminstration of Justice. Flower, Ian, Divisional dir and mgr, Mott McDonald Consulting Engineers. For serv Civil Engineering in Wales and to Overseas Development. Francis, John, For serv the R Air Force Museum. Franklin, Neil, Chief Crown Prosecutor, Crown Prosecution Service. Fraser, William Barrie, For serv the City of London Corporation and to Educ. Freud, Anthony Peter, Formerly gen dir, Welsh National Opera. For serv Music.
Gammell, Alistair Byres, Dir, Internat Conservation, R Society for the Protection of Birds. For serv Conservation. Gibson, Mrs Patricia Gretton, Dir of Investigation, Office of the Northern Ireland Ombudsman. Gill, Satnam Singh, Principal, Working Men's College, London. For serv Further Educ. Gilroy, Mrs Ishbel, Headteach, Central Primary School, Inverness. For serv the Gaelic Language and to Educ. Goodfellow, James, Patentor of the Pers Identification Number (PIN). For serv Banking. Gooding, Richard Ernest, mgg dir, London City Airport. For serv Aviation. Graham, Miss Francesca Marion, For publ serv. Graham, William, Principal Offr, Housing Division, Dept for Social Development, Northern Ireland exec. Gravell, Mrs Meryl, MBE, Presiding Offr, Welsh Local Govt Association. For serv Local Govt in Wales and to the commty in Carmarthenshire. Green, Ms Gillian Patricia, Head, UK Grants, Comic Relief. For serv Victims of Domestic Violence. Guinness, Mrs Lucinda Jane, Handbag Designer. For serv the Fashion ind.
Hamilton, Prof John Davis, Past Academic-dir, Pre-Clinical Programme, Univ of Durham. For serv Medical Educ. Hammersley, Anthony John, TD, JP, Area dir, Compliance, HM Revenue and Customs. Harding, Geoffrey Thomas, Formerly Civil and Structural Engineer, Buildings Division Branch, Office of the Dep Prime Minr. Harper, Christopher Andrew, Court mgr, Southwark Crown Court, Her Majesty's Courts Service. Harvey, Brian, Formerly Acting Ch exec, Legal Services Commn. For serv the Administration of Justice. Haydon, Reginald George Leslie, Chair, Tenant Farmers' Association. For serv the Agricultural ind. Hearn, Ms Barbara, Dep Ch exec and dir, Policy and Research, National Children's Bureau. For serv Children, Young People and Families. Heselden, James William, Dir, Hesco Bastion. For serv the Defence ind and to Charity. Hewett, Dr Nigel, Chair, Leicester Rough Sleepers Multi-disciplinary Team. For serv Homeless People. Hewitt, Miss Angela, OC, Pianist. For serv Music. Hillman, David Arthur, TD, Head, Marriages and Civil Partnerships Branch, Gen Register Office. Hodgson, Randolph, Chair, Specialist Cheesemakers' Association. For serv the Dairy ind. Hogg, Ian Alisdair Lawrence, For serv Scottish Rugby Union. Hogg, Dr Richard, Head, Sierra Leone Office, Dept for Internat Development. Holland, Mrs Philippa, Dir of Local Govt Practice, Govt Office for the West Midlands, Dept for Communities and Local Govt. Hunter, Michael Stuart, Head, Shipping Safety Branch, Maritime and Coastguard Agency. Hunter, Peter Basil, For serv Economic Regeneration in Northern Ireland. Hutchings, John Christopher, Formerly asst ch insp of Probation. For serv the National Probation Service.
Irving, Ms Lesley, Head, Race, Religion and Refugee, Integration Team, Development Dept, Scottish exec.
Jackson, Dr Jack, Formerly HM asst ch insp of Educ, Scottish exec. Jezzard, Dr Robert Graham, Professional Adviser, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Dept of Health. John, Idwal Alun, For serv Music in Wales.
Kearsley, Brian, Dep dir, North West Region, Jobcentre Plus. Kelly, David Fraser, Dir, commty Health and Care Partnership, West Lothian Ccl. For serv Local Govt. Kelly, Mark Anthony, Pte Sec, Govt and Opposition Whips Office. Kemp, Prof Alexander George, Prof, Petroleum Economics, Aberdeen Univ. For serv the Oil and Gas Industries. Kennedy, Dr Christine Harriott, For serv Agriculture and to the Dairy ind in Northern Ireland. Kidwai, Saleem Asghar, Chief exec, Ethnic Business Support Programme Ltd. For serv Diversity and to Business in Wales. Kilshaw, David Charles, Chair, Scottish Food and Drink ind Strategy Group. For serv Business. Kingsley, David John, For charitable serv. Kirkham, Mrs Jo-Anne Tracy, Head, VAT Compliance Strategy Performance Management Team, HM Revenue and Customs. Knight, Alan Paul, Chief exec Offr, Internat Animal Rescue. For serv Animal Welfare. Knight, The Very Reverend Dr Alexander Francis, Formerly Dean, Lincoln Cathedral. For serv the Church of Eng.
Lavender, Dr Peter Raymond Spry, Dir of Research, Development and Information, National Inst of Adult and Continuing Educ. For serv Educ. Leach, Geoffrey, Grade B2, MOD. Leadbitter, Ms Karen, Exploration mgr, Shell UK. For serv the Oil and Gas Industries. Lee, Peter Arthur, Formerly Ch exec, Football Foundation. For serv Sport. Leigh, Prof Irene May, Prof of Cell and Molecular Medicine, Barts and The London, Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry, Univ of London. For serv Medicine. Lennon, Prof Michael Anthony, Chair, Brit Fluoridation Society. For serv Dental Health. Little, Barry Graham, Head, Information Management Applications Branch, Office for National Statistics. Lunny, Ms Agnes Philomena (Mrs Roberts), Chief exec, Positive Futures. For serv Disabled People in Northern Ireland. Lynam, David Archer, Chief Research Scientist, Transport Research Laboratory. For serv Road Safety.
MacDonald, Julien, Designer. For serv the Fashion ind. MacDonald, Dr Stuart Wyllie, For serv Architecture. Mackay, John Angus, Chief exec, Gaelic Media Service. For serv Broadcasting in Scotland. Majid, Ms Nahid, Associate dir, Turner and Townsend (hd of Regeneration PM Sector). For serv Diversity. Margetts, Jonathan, Grade A, Northern Ireland Office. Martin, Ian Richard, Grade 6, Asylum Casework Group, Immigration and Nationality Dirate, Home Off. Matthewson, Gareth, Headteach, Whitch High School, Cardiff. For serv Educ in Wales. McClenaghan, Mrs Helen May, Chief exec, Southern Educ and Library Board. For serv Educ in Northern Ireland. McGlone, Dr Gordon, Chief exec Offr, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. For serv Conservation. Mellors, Ms Sally, Formerly hd of Widening Participation, Nottingham Trent Univ. For serv Higher Educ. Milling, Martin Ambrose Peter, Formerly consult Plastic Surgeon, Morriston Hospital, Swansea. For serv Medicine. Bushell-Mingo, Ms Josette, Artistic dir, Push. For serv the Arts. Mirza, Jafar, Chair of Governors, Camb Regional College. For serv Further Educ. Moore, Mrs Maureen Wallace, Chief exec, ASH Scotland. For serv Healthcare. Moore, Dr Roger, Chief exec, NHS Appointments Commn, Dept of Health. Moore, Thomas, Headteach, St. Mary's Roman Catholic High School, Chesterfield, Derbyshire. For serv Educ. Morpurgo, Michael Andrew Bridge, MBE, Writer and co-founder, Farms for City Children. For serv Literature. Mullett, Prof Margaret Elizabeth, Dir, Inst of Byzantine Studies and dir of the Gender Initiative, Queen's Univ, Belfast. For serv Higher Educ.
Nazarko, Ms Linda, Consultant Nurse (Older People), Richmond and Twickenham Primary Care Trust, and Visiting Nurse Lecturer, King's College, London. For serv Elderly People. Nethercot, Prof David, Head, Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine. For serv Structural Engineering. Nicholl, Mrs Elizabeth Mary, MBE, Dir, UK Sport. For serv Sport. Nicholson, James, Chair, Down R Corporation of Horsebreeders. For serv Horse Racing in Northern Ireland. Nicholson, Dr Paul James, For serv Occupational Medicine.
O'Connell, Malcolm, Grade B1, MOD. O'Neill, Miss Marnie, Head, Corporate Relations, BT, Northern Ireland. For serv the Arts. Orr, Sandy, exec Chair, City Inn Hotels. For serv the Hospitality ind.
Page, Ashley, Artistic dir, Scottish Ballet. For serv Dance. Parry, Dr Malcolm, Dir, Univ of Surrey Research Park. For serv Business and Educ. Pearce, Robert Peel, HM Principal Insp of Quarries, Health and Safety exec. Peel, Prof Christopher John, Formerly Technical dir, QinetiQ. For serv the Defence and Aerospace Industries. Percival, Ms Linda, Customer Service dir, Dept of Health. Peterson, Henry Magnus, Formerly Dep Ch exec, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and Adviser, London Govt Association. For serv Local Govt. Polden, Martin Alan, For serv Environmental Law. Pomeroy, Mrs Sylvia Delores, Chair, Tenants of West Norfolk. For serv the commty in Norfolk. Pratt, Alexander Leonard John, JP, For serv Business and to Educ in the South East. Prentice, Dr Ann, Dir, Human Nutrition Research Unit, Medical Research Ccl. For serv Nutrition. Pretty, Prof Jules Nicholas, Head, Dept of Biological Sciences, Univ of Essex. For serv Sustainable Agriculture in the UK and Overseas. Price, Mrs Karen, Chief exec, e-skills UK. For serv the IT ind. Purton, Mrs Patricia Beryl, Dir, R College of Midwives Scottish Board. For serv Healthcare. Radcliffe, Mrs Frances Harriet, Head, Beef Exports and Transmissable Spongiform Encephalopathy Testing Unit, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Ramsey, Ms Vivienne, Head, Development and Building Control, London Borough of Newham. For serv Local Govt.
Randeniya, Vijith, Dep ch Fire Offr. For serv the Fire and Rescue Service in the West Midlands. Redmond, Ian Michael, Chair, Ape Alliance and Co-founder, Elefriends and the UK Rhino Group. For serv Conservation. Reid, John Hunter Gray, Head, People Engagement, The Pension Service. Reilly, John, Acting Sen Civil Servant, MOD. Rhodes, Gary, Chef. For serv the Hospitality ind. Ritchie, Sister Frances Dorothy Lyon, DL, Founder and Trustee, Helen House Children's Hospice and Douglas House Respice for Young Adults. For serv Healthcare. Rowe, Mrs Katherine Vivienne, Principal mgr, Hull Safeguarding Children Board. For serv the Administration of Justice. Ruddock, Ms Alison Jane Christina, Head of Early Years Service, Islington, London. For serv Educ.
Schmidt, Prof Michael Norton, Prof of Poetry, Univ of Glasgow. For serv Higher Educ and to Poetry. Scoon, Leo Rennie, Lawyer, Law and Special Policy Group, Dept for Work and Pensions. Selkirk, Douglas, Headteach, Heath Park Business and Enterprise College, Wolverhampton. For serv Educ. Seviour, David Edwin, Chief exec, Leicester Housing Association. For serv Social Housing. Shaw, James Leslie, Team Leader, Regional Delivery Support Unit, Regions and Regeneration Division, Local Transformation Group, Dept for Educ and Skills. Simmonds, Mrs Brigid Mary, Chief exec, Business In Sport and Leisure. For serv Sport. Simpson, Peter, Principal, Brooke Weston City Technology College, Corby, Northamptonshire. For serv Educ. Smith, Prof Alison Mary, Formerly hd, Dept of Metabolic Biology, John Innes Centre, Norwich. For serv Plant Biochemistry. Smith, Andrew John, Dir, Property, Business and Regulatory Services, Hampshire Cnty Ccl. For serv Local Govt. Smith, Prof William Cairns Stewart, Prof of Public Health, Univ of Aberdeen. For serv Healthcare. Spence, John Andrew, MBE, Dep-Chair, Business in the commty. For serv Charity. Spence, Mrs Julie, Ch Const, Cambshire Constabulary. For serv the Police. Spiegelhalter, Dr David, Research Statistician, Medical Research Ccl. For serv Medical Research. Stewart , Alastair James, For serv Broadcasting and to Charity. Stewart, Derek Chesney, Chair, Gedling Primary Care Trust, Nottingham. For serv Healthcare, partic Cancer. Stokes, Julie Ann, Chief exec, Winston's Wish Charity. For serv Bereaved Children and their Families. Suckling , Prof Colin James, Freeland Prof of Chemistry, Univ of Strathclyde. For serv Science and to Higher Educ. Sutherland, Mrs Susan Jean, Formerly Ch exec, UK Transplant Stategic HA. For serv Organ Transplantation. Swinson, Christopher, Comptroller and Auditor-Gen, Jersey, and ltly Chair, Treas's Audit Committee. For serv the Accountancy Profession. Sword, Ms Frances, Head of Educ, Fitzwilliam Museum. For serv Museums.
Tarsh, Derek Nicholas, For serv Relate charities, and to the commty in Richmond, Surrey. Taylor, Alexander, Formerly Ch exec, Cnty Durham and Darlington Priority Services NHS Trust. For serv the NHS. Taylor, Robert William, Dir, Age Concern, Cymru. For serv Elderly People in Wales. Thompson, Michael, Founder and mgg dir, Child Base Nurseries. For serv Children and Families. Thurston, Mrs Jennifer, Formerly Dep-Gen sec, Prospect. For serv Trade Unions and to the Civil Service. Thwaite, John Colin, Non-exec dir, For serv Corporate Governance. Tomkins, Prof Andrew, Dir, Centre for Internat Child Health, Inst of Child Health, Univ of London. For serv Healthcare in Developing Countries. Treadaway, Dr Michael Frank, Dir of Research, Fischer Family Trust. For serv Educ.
Underwood, Miss Susan Lois, Lately Ch exec, North East Museums, Libraries and Archives Ccl. For serv Heritage and Museums.
Vickers, Gordon John, Information Systems Development Centre mgr, Land Registry.
Walker, Rudolph, Actor. For serv Drama. Walsby, Michael Jeremy, Chief exec, APT Enterprise Development. For serv Enterprise Development Overseas. Watson, John Macgill, Chief exec, John Watson and Company Ltd. For serv the Printing ind and to Charity in Scotland. Waxman, Jeremy, Headteach, Halifax High at Wellesley Park, Calderdale. For serv Educ. Weeks, Wilfred John, Chair of Trustees, Dulwich Picture Gallery. For serv Art in London. Wells, Prof Celia Kay, Prof, Law School, Cardiff Univ. For serv Legal Educ. West, Peter William Alan, DL, Sec, Univ of Strathclyde. For serv Higher Educ in Scotland and Malawi. Westhd, Guy Roderick, Dep dir Frontiers, HM Revenue and Customs. Wheeler, George Neville James, Headteach, Intake Primary School, Sheffield. For serv Educ. White, Miss Barbara, Founder, When You Wish Upon A Star Charity. For serv Children and Families. Wignall , Alan, Technical dir, Ultra Electronics Ltd., Sonar and Communication Systems. For serv the Defence ind. Wiles, Ms Silvaine Margaret, For serv Black and Minority Ethnic Educ. Williamson, Ms Mary Jean, Dean, School of Art and Design, Nottingham Trent Univ. For serv Higher Educ. Willmington, Mrs Susan, Grade 6, Home Off. Willox, Andrew Alexander John, Scottish Policy Convenor, Federation of Small Businesses. For serv Business. Wilson, Alan, Chief exec, Scottish Ccl for Development and ind. For serv Business. Wilson, Richard William, Chief Estates Surveyor and Project mgr, National Assembly for Wales. Woodhd, Mrs Nicolette, Grade B2, MOD. Woodroffe, Simon, Founder, Yo Sushi and Yo Company. For serv the Hospitality ind. Woodward, Kenneth, For serv Health and Safety. Worman, Ms Dianah, Adviser, Diversity, Chartered Inst of Personnel and Development. For serv Diversity. Wright, Clive John, Chair, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. For serv Business Ethics.
Young, Ian Robert, mgg dir, Archibald Young Ltd., Founders and Engineers. For serv Engineering in Scotland.
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