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2006: Your final exam

Papal provocations, Zidane's moment of madness, the Foreign Secretary's caravan, Tom Cruise's wedding... It all comes flooding back. Or does it? Find out if you've been paying attention over the past 12 months with our bumper quiz of the year.

Friday 22 December 2006 01:00 GMT

Click here for the answers.


A What made a bit of a noise when it turned up in Oslo on 31 August?

B What became the fastest-selling show in the National Gallery's history?

C What was the title of the Jackson Pollock painting that was sold for $140m in November?

D Whose current show, not including any works of his own, is called "In the darkest hour there may be light"?

E What links Mark Titchner, Rebecca Warren and Phil Collins?

F Who won the Design Museum's prestigious Designer of the Year 2006 award?


A Roughly how many people (to the nearest 5,000) currently work in the financial sector in the City of London?

B And how many (to the nearest 100) are expected (by the Centre for Economics and Business Research) to have taken home bonuses of more than £1m this year?

C According to the KPMG survey of directors' pay, what - to the nearest £50,000 - is the median take-home pay of chief executives of FTSE-100 companies?

D Who gave away £3.5m of his own money to his staff after selling his business?

E What did a consortium led by Eggert Magnusson buy for £108m?

F What did Richard Branson sell for £690m?

G According to a survey by Fortune magazine, which UK company is most admired by the global business community?

H Which former president of the CBI was described as "the unacceptable face of capitalism" this year?

I Which of the following prices went up this year (between 3 January and 20 December 2006), and which went down? (i) FTSE 100; (ii) North Sea oil; (iii) gold; (iv) platinum; (v) coffee; (vi) the pound (against the dollar); (vii) the pound (against the euro)?


A Who won a £25,000 prize, which she said she would spend on " make-up, clothes and orange lipstick"?

B Where did Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes get married?

C Who dropped out of the London Marathon after turning blue and shouting "I'm dying" to paramedics?

D Who was named "worst celebrity to approach for an autograph" by the US magazine Autograph Collector?

E Who registered her child's name as a trademark? And what is his name?

F What was the name of the pot-bellied pig whose death left George Clooney distraught?

G Who was voted most undeserving icon of 2006 by the readers of Arena magazine?

H Which British universities offer courses in celebrity studies?


A What ice-like crystalline mixture of water and gas, found in the oceanic sediment, has been much touted as a potentially huge source of energy?

B What is polonium 210 used for industrially?

C Why was N 2O in the news?

D Why was C 10H 15N in the news?

E How might sulphur save the world?


A Why was Tom Williams fined £80 at the Royal Norfolk Show?

B Why was Steve Jago arrested outside Downing Street?

C What percentage of Asbos are breached?

D How much tax does the average British citizen pay to the state in the course of his or her lifetime?

E Approximately how many CCTV cameras are there in operation in the UK: (i) 2.4 million; (ii) 4.2 million; or (iii) 24 million?

F Which of the following rights do UK citizens have: (i) the right to be tried by jury; (ii) remain silent when questioned by the police; (iii) make peaceful public protests against government policy without police obstruction; (iv) ...not to be punished until a court has decided that the law has been broken; (v) travel without surveillance; (vi) vote while in prison; (vii) be given pornography while in prison; (viii) be given drugs while in prison.


A Who said: "I have been abdicating state funding for years"?

B Who said: "The only way we can win is to leave before the job is done"?

C Who greeted an offer of a major Cabinet promotion with a response that she would later describe as: "One word, and four lettered"?

D What was declared Word of the Year by the Oxford English Dictionary?

E Who launched an interactive DVD game designed to promote spelling skills - only for 10,000 copies to be scrapped because his name was misspelt on the front?

F Which recent Macmillan English Dictionary words "of the week" correspond to the following definitions: (i) the practice of taking a holiday which combines leisure and sightseeing with the opportunity to work for a charity or other worthwhile cause; (ii) the third film in a series of three films based on the same story or theme; (iii) a romantic relationship between two people who live or work very near to each other.

G Who said: "I think - tide turning - see, as I remember - I was raised in the desert, but tides kind of - it's easy to see a tide turn - did I say those words?"

H Who was reported to have said: "I love England, especially the food. There's nothing I like more than a lovely bowl of pasta."


A Which graphic designer - famous for his classic V&A logo and his design for the Reuters news agency - died shortly before a major exhibition of his work at the Design Museum?

B What are the TomTom GO910, the Garmin Nuvi 350 and the Medion GoPal PNA 515?

C What sold 50,000 units within 12 hours of its launch this month - only to cause a spate of unexpected injuries?

D Ian Callum was given a prestigious Royal Designer for Industry award for achieving "sustained excellence in aesthetic and efficient design for industry". With which car marque is he associated?

E Richard Rogers won the Stirling Prize for an airport that serves which city?

F All 23,500 of what "revolutionary" device (designed by Dean Kamen) had to be recalled because of a fault?

G Who designed the Marques de Riscal, the hotel in Elciego that was opened by King Juan Carlos in October?

H What was voted the UK's favourite modern building (in a YouGov poll)?


A Which play was described (by three different critics) in the following terms: "An evening of laughter-free desperation - even to summarise the inane plot requires a heroic act of will"; "To call it a stinker does not do it justice. It's smellier than that sewerage works next to the M4 near Heathrow"; "Few shows of such embarrassing authorial ineptitude can have hit the London stage since the Blitz"?

B Which West End hit stars Alexander Hanson?

C Name the winners in the Best Actress and Best Actor categories in the 2006 Olivier awards. (To make it easy, here's a clue: the plays in question, not necessarily in the right order, were Hedda Gabler and Death of a Salesman.)

D What linked the US actors Mel Gibson and Michael Richards and the French actor Samy Naceri?

E What linked John Hurt and Harold Pinter?

F What was the name of the Arthur Miller play that died prematurely after a critical mauling at the Old Vic?


A What linked David Beckham, Jilly Cooper and Beryl Bainbridge?

B How does bestselling novelist Dan Brown cope with writer's block?

C Which book became the bestselling autobiography of all time?

D Who won the Nobel Prize for Literature?

E What was the main reason for a fall of about 75 per cent in Bloomsbury's pre-tax profits in 2006?

F Whose much-hyped memoirs had sold scarcely 1,200 copies six weeks after publication? (Clue: he received a £400,000 advance from Bloomsbury.)

G What is the literary prize formerly known as the Whitbread now called?

H In which literary controversy did No Time for Romance, by Lucilla Andrews, feature?

I A book containing the following passage won the Literary Review's 2006 Bad Sex Awards: "She was moaning now, her curves pushed up against me, her crotch taut against my bulging trousers, her hands gripping fistfuls of my hair..." What was it called? And who wrote it?

J Which book divided its action between Nepal and New York, and won a major prize?

K Which has the bigger share of the UK book trade - HMV (which owns the Waterstone's and Ottakar's chains), WHSmith, or Tesco?


A To which specific environmental issue was the year 2006 officially devoted?

B England's 10 hottest years since records began (in 1659) have been, in chronological order, 1949, 1989, 1990, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2006. Rank them in order of hotness.

C Three successive Labour manifestos have promised a 20 per cent reduction of Britain's carbon emissions, from 1990 levels, by 2010. How does our current level of emissions compare with 1990?

D Which UK borough produces the greatest carbon footprint per head?

E In 1997 only 7 per cent of England's household waste was recycled. What percentage is recycled today?

F How many specimens of the Chinese white-fin dolphin, or baiji, remain in existence - either in captivity or in the wild?

G Part of which London postal district was devastated by a tornado?

H According to Science magazine, what percentage of maritime life forms will be extinct by 2048?


A Who ousted Reese Witherspoon as the world's highest-paid actress?

B Which Brit won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in the 78th Academy Awards in March?

C How many actors have preceded Daniel Craig in the cinematic role of James Bond?

D What coveted film role was won, against stiff competition, by Dakota Blue Richards?

E Which took most at the box office on its opening weekend in the US: Happy Feet, Casino Royale, or Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan?

F What was the first film directed by Robert Altman, who died this year? (Clue: it was released in 1957.)


A Who was revealed (exclusively, by The Independent) to have had a former career as an au pair in the Republic of Ireland?

B Who upset Francophone diplomats by requesting: "If you could speak lentement en français..."?

C Whose announcement of his intention to become a tax exile prompted Nicolas Sarkozy to say: "Un pays où tant de nos artistes... se disent qu'il faut partir, c'est bien qu'il y a un problème"?

D What do the letters CPE stand for?

E Who said of whom: "Je veux qu'on m'apporte ses testicules sur un plat"?


A Which are there more of in the UK - married women, or single (ie, unmarried, divorced or widowed) women?

B How much will the average British adult spend on gifts this Christmas: (i) £378; (ii) £738; or (iii) £837?

C Which was higher in 2006: the A-level pass-rate or the GCSE pass-rate?

D A study of 1 million claims by AA insurance found that the unluckiest day isn't, as popularly supposed, Friday 13th. Instead, it is a different day/date combination. Which?

E Who gave President Bush a sweater, thought to be navy Burberry wool and apparently chosen by the donor himself?

F Who received £350,000 as a gift from "the B people"? (Or, at least, briefly claimed to have done so.)

G Who gave John Prescott a pair of cowboy boots and a Stetson hat?

H What proportion of Britain's working-age population is accounted for by immigrants?

I What (to the nearest £2bn) was the budgeted figure for public spending in the UK in the 2005-2006 financial year?

J Who was promoted to the ranks of General, Admiral and Air Chief Marshall?

K What linked John C Mather, George F Smoot, Roger D Kornberg, Andrew Z Fire, Craig C Mello and Edmund S Phelps?

L Which unexpected visitor caused national consternation by spouting off in Westminster in January?

M How did the following achieve fame - fleeting or otherwise - in 2006: (i) Harry Whittington; (ii) Adriana Iliescu; (iii) Aishah Azmi; (iv) Tom Watson; (v) Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser; (vi) Misbah Ran.

N Name the person who said: "If you're giving your kids fizzy drinks, then you're a tosser"?

O Which Brit Award nominee refused to go to the awards ceremony because he didn't want to hang out with a load of "London tossers"?

P Which radio presenter got into trouble for reading out a text message that described Tony Blair as a "tosser"?

Q Which former Conservative big beast criticised the party's new "inner tosser" campaign by saying: "It is not a word I would even use about Polly Toynbee"?


A In which countries are the owners of the following fine old British institutions based:

(i) London Electricity; (ii) BAA; (iii) Thames Water; (iv) Wessex Water; (v) Powergen; (vi) Rover.

B Which country threatened to undermine Panama's most celebrated feature?

C Name the countries that joined the EU in 2006

D An international map of happiness published in August ranked Britain as the 41st happiest country in the world. Which country is happiest?

E What - to the nearest 10 million - is the current population of the EU?

F How many people born in Britain currently live abroad?

G In which country (according to Google Trends) is "sex" most frequently entered as a Google search term?

H Which country's men were reported to be, on average, insufficiently endowed to make full use of a standard-sized condom?


A What were Germany's EU commissioner and his £94,000-a-year chief of staff wearing in photographs, taken on a beach in August, whose publication led to calls for them both to resign?

B What did Turkish-born German politician Ekin Deligoz controversially call for in November?

C What unfortunate event took place in Gelsenkirchen?

D What cause did German police eventually find for the disintegration of large numbers of €20 and €50 notes?


A Who said: "I get tested for HIV twice a year. One has to be socially aware"?

B What percentage of British men, and what proportion of British women, are clinically obese (ie, with a body mass index of more than 30)?

C What does PVL stand for?

D Which substance was reported this year (on various occasions) to " extend life", "counteract the effects of a high-fat diet", "reduce the risk of strokes and cancer", "delay the onset of the menopause", "reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease", " stave off deafness", "help you sleep", "help men lose weight" and "stave off gum disease", as well as being "a good source of dietary fibre"?

E How much does the average GP earn?

F Are hospital consultants more or less likely than other people to have private health insurance?

G A new treatment, available in pill form from next month, is expected to provide relief for up to 12 million sufferers from what condition?

H Which "extremely moderate and infrequent consumer of alcohol" (his own words) made a shock admission in January?

I Who said: "Despite the headlines, actually the NHS has just had its best year ever"?

J How many people have died this year from the "killer" strain of avian flu known as H5N1?


The following are all subtitles from Independent obituaries in 2006. To whom do they refer?

A Popular Labour MP and, briefly, sports minister celebrated for his sharp and irreverent wit.

B Comedian whose conversational wit flourished in such radio programmes as The News Quiz.

C Child star Oscar-nominated for his exuberant Artful Dodger in the 1968 film of Oliver!

D Cerebral Secretary of Defense to Ronald Reagan and the steely face of his Cold Warriors.

E Slight, self-effacing, introspective boxer who was twice World Heavyweight Champion.

F Architect of Ireland's economic revival whose career was tarnished by allegations of corruption.

G Yorkshire and England cricketer - the self-styled "greatest bloody fast bowler that ever drew breath".

H Paraguayan dictator whose 34-year rule left a legacy of authoritarianism and corruption.

I Author of Sophie's Choice whose novels were informed by guilt and a sense of tragedy.

J Father of monetarism and prophet of laissez-faire who won the 1976 Nobel Prize for Economics.

K Founder of Atlantic Records whose signings included Ray Charles, Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones.


A Why did Tessa Jowell and David Mills take out a loan on their house in 2000, paying it off less than a month later with £350,000 from an offshore account?

B Who said: "When I was a kid I had no idea I lived in a mansion. Then I went to a friend's house and I was like - 'Oh...'"?

C Who said: "I have gone property mad. I now own about 17 houses in London, all of them horrible and badly decorated."

D According to Forbes magazine, the world's richest and second richest people are, respectively, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. Who is the third richest?

E Who said: "I've got too much money. I don't know what to do with it. Maybe I can find a museum and get it Tarmacked."

F What (to the nearest £5,000) is the average price of a house in the UK?


A Name the Wikipedia co-founder who is now launching a rival, Citizendium?

B About 3 million people in Europe subscribe to IPTV. What is it?

C How did BT shake BSkyB?

D Sanjiv Ahuja and Arun Sarin are key players in the British - and world - telecommunications industries. What do they do?

E Viviane Reding (from Luxembourg) is another. What does she do?

F Why did Chad Hurley and Steve Chen feel like more than a billion dollars?

G What did Yahoo almost buy for $1bn?

H What is DVB-H?

I What is VoIP?

J What is fring?

K Who said: "There is a great danger that the web becomes a place where untruths start to spread more than truths"?

L Which company lost nearly £22bn?

M Which social networking site saw its 100 millionth account created on 9 August?

N How did Rupert Murdoch put Richard Branson's nose out of joint?


A Who overtook Ronald Reagan (in November) as the longest-lived president of the US? (Clue: his original name was Leslie Lynch King, Jnr.)

B Which country currently holds the EU presidency?

C Which are the 10 non-permanent members of the UN Security Council?

D What has more member nations: the United Nations or Fifa (the governing body of world football)?

E Who became the first female president of Chile in March?

F What did Stephen Harper win in January?

G Which blood-stained 64-year-old died of a heart attack in March?

H In which country did John Prescott spit out a false tooth in mid-speech?

I Of which country has Barack Obama been touted as a future president?


For each question in this section, allow yourself a 10 per cent margin of error. (In other words, if the correct answer is 20, anything from 18 to 22 warrants a point; 30 doesn't.) If you can't work out if your answer is correct or not, subtract a mark.

A The average British woman over 40 owns how many pairs of shoes?

B According to Jeremy Paxman's new book on royalty, how many boiled eggs need to be served to the Prince of Wales - each cooked for a marginally different time - to ensure that he gets one that is perfectly to his liking?

C How many people in England die alone in their homes, without friends or family to arrange their funerals, each week?

D The average EU citizen owes £1,588. How much does the average Briton owe?

E 1.7 per cent of EU citizens have been burgled. What percentage of Britons have?

F There are 34 dollar billionaires in New York and 21 in Moscow. How many are there in London?

G What percentage of people attempting to assemble flatpack furniture lose their tempers before finishing the job?


A Which is expected to record the greater advertising revenues for 2006 - Channel 4 or Google?

B Which interviewee told a newspaper reporter: "Just make it up, honestly. Make me sound interesting"?

C Who took over from M&C Saatchi as advertising agency for the Conservative Party?

D Donatella Versace, Bono, Coleen McLoughlin, John Galliano and Tom Ford all acted as guest editors at some point in 2006. What did they edit?

E In November, which sold a higher percentage of its copies at below full cover price: The Sun or The Daily Telegraph?

F One year after its £80m "Berliner" relaunch, The Guardian's circulation had moved by 3.7 per cent. Up or down?

G What was the percentage decline in sales of the London Evening Standard between November 2005 and November 2006?

H Saatchi & Saatchi's mega-budget Carlsberg ad featured stars such as Bobby Charlton, Stuart Pearce and Bryan Robson playing for "probably the best pub side in the world". What was the pub called?

I Who denounced journalism as "not a noble calling" and said that "there is no professional morality in journalism"?

J Name two prominent female columnists on national newspapers who will be celebrating their 60th birthday on 27 December?

K Which paper was forced to scrap a spoof "Daily Fatwa" page when its journalists threatened to go on strike?

L Which gives away more copies: London Lite (Associated) or The London Paper (News International)?

M Which sells more copies per issue: The Church Times or The Erotic Review?

N Which is the odd one out: crabs & lobsters; birds of the shore and sea; pies; cows; vegetables; pondlife.


A What was the bestselling rock/pop album of 2006?

B Which was the most downloaded single of 2006 from Apple's iTunes Music Store?

C Who did a Ronnie O'Sullivan at La Scala?

D Whose seminal track, "Christmas With The Devil", was dropped from a BBC trailer after complaints from Christian viewers?

E James Blunt became the first British artist since 1997 to achieve a US No 1 single. Who was the last person to do so?

F Arctic Monkeys' debut album became the fastest-selling in UK rock history. From what 1960 film did it take its name?

G In February, what linked Mariah Carey, Kanye West and John Legend?

H What once unimaginable landmark was passed on 22 February? (Clue: the song in question was Coldplay's "Speed of Sound".)

I The Eurovision Song Contest was won by Lordi, with "Hard Rock H allelujah". Which country did they represent?

J Who won the singer of the year award at the 2006 Classical Brits?

K According to Billboard magazine, which is the world's highest-earning band?

L How many people turned out to hear Bob Geldof sing in Milan's 12,000-seater Civic Arena in July?

M Who criticised Pete Doherty in the following terms: "Posh boys can't take drugs, man - they're lightweights"?

N Who said of Noel Gallagher: "He's an absolute tosser and he looks like Parker from Thunderbirds"?

O What was the bestselling jazz album of 2006?

P Name the nine tunes that were the principal components of BBC Radio 4's "UK Theme", controversially ditched in 2006 after 33 years.

Q Which three prizes did the Kaiser Chiefs win at the Brit Awards?


A 2006 began one second late. Why?

B What potentially world-changing project was initiated under the acronym Iter in Cardarache in southern France?

C In March, Nasa's Cassini-Huygens spacecraft found liquid geysers shooting from a moon of which planet?

D What is, or was, STS-116?

E And what about UB313?


A It was revealed that Labour's £17.94m bill for its 2005 election campaign included a £7,700 bill for hairdressing for whom? And who was the hairdresser?

B For what does the taxpayer pick up a £72,000 bill on behalf of bicycle-riding leader David Cameron?

C To which image guru does the Conservative Party pay a reported £180,000 a year - down from £270,000 earlier this year - to advise David Cameron on strategy, marketing and presentation?

D From whose lap did George Galloway sip milk (while she stroked his whiskers and said, "Good kitty")?

E In January, BBC Radio 4's Today programme held a "Who Runs Britain?" poll. Tony Blair got 7 per cent of listeners' votes; "the British people" got 12 per cent; "Parliament" got 14 per cent; and Rupert Murdoch got 15 per cent. Who came top, with 22 per cent?

F What is an MP's basic salary?

G Who said: "We don't do 'balance' in modern political life. There is no challenge that is not a crisis, no problem that is not a catastrophe."?

H Who, asked if he would remain in the Labour Party if John Reid were to become its leader, replied: "The question does not arise because I'd shoot myself."?

I Who said: "I would like to make it absolutely clear I did not pay for my peerage. Sharing a flat with Tony Blair was perfectly adequate."?

J Who referred the loans for peerages affair to the Metropolitan Police?

K What colour tie did Gordon Brown wear when delivering his 2006 Budget? (Clue: for five of the 10 budgets he has delivered, it was red.)

L Who was designated "minister for fitness" in August?

M Who is Director of Government Relations at No 10 Downing Street?

N Which once-trusted leader admitted: "We lied morning, noon and night."?

O Which former party leader was banned from driving?

P To whom did Condoleezza Rice offer her bed?


A On which day of the year are couples most likely to split up?

B What are the average ages at which British men, and British women, marry?

C Who dismissed the affair that ended his 15-year marriage as " something that boys do"?

D Whose bitter divorce proceedings were announced shortly before publication of her book on harmonious living?

E Who accused whom - in their divorce proceedings - of failing to tell him that she had herpes?

F Who said of whom: "I'm not taking a penny from him. I think that's disgusting."?

G What - apart from the impending dissolution of their marriages - links Rick and Jill Stein with Paul McCartney and Heather Mills-McCartney?

H Who traded in a weather girl for a Cheeky Girl?

I Who said: "I'm sick of everyone saying I married my husband for money. It just so happens I get turned on by liver spots."?


A How many people in the UK are expected to attend church on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve? (i) 2.6 million; (ii) 6.2 million; (iii) 12.6 million?

B Which has the most followers in the UK: Islam or Hinduism?

C And which has most out of Judaism and Sikhism?

D Who accused "aggressive secularists" of undermining Britain's cultural tradtions by "throwing out the crib at Christmas"?

E From what kind of car did an apparently very drunk senior churchman throw children's toys before telling its surprised owners, "I'm the Bishop of Southwark - it's what I do"?

F Who promised: "In the years to come, wherever I am, whatever I do, I'm with you..."?

G "I believe in my heart that if Jesus were alive today he would be doing the same thing." What was Madonna talking about?

H "He has a dark mentality that comes from the darkness of the Middle Ages. He is going down in history in the same category as leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini." Which religious figure was the deputy leader of Turkey's ruling political party criticising, and why?

I Who complained of "the poverty of affluence", and asked: " What happens to a culture when its cathedrals are shopping centres, its sacred texts are glossy catalogues, its hymns advertising jingles, its sacred task to make us want what we don't need?"


A Into whose party did Rebekah Wade wangle David Cameron?

B And who was head chef at the event in question?

C Whose 21st birthday party at the Café Royal had a "1930s movie stars" dress code and was reported to have involved an erotic dancer appearing out of a giant egg?

D Which comedian and Radio 4 broadcaster - and author of a guide to " the minefield of modern manners" - asked 150 friends to pay £35 each to come to his 50th birthday party?

E Which England footballer was forced to leave a party without shirt, shoes, wallet or phone? And who had he allegedly been chatting up?

F Who threw a £1.5m party at London Fashion Week, sponsored by Peroni, with guests including Leonardo DiCaprio, Beyoncé, Bono and Andrea Bocelli?

G Which unlikely guest turned up at Courtney Love's Hollywood home at 1am wanting, according to Ms Love, "to party"?

H For what former possession of Pope John Paul II did Roman Abramovich pay £285,000?

I For what did Bhs tycoon Philip Green pay £60,000?

J Who turned down an OBE on the grounds that "an OBE is what you get if you clean the toilets well at King's Cross station"?

K Who put his elbow through an £80m Picasso?


A How much will it cost Britain to stage the 2012 Olympics in London?

B Who said that Olympic opening ceremonies were "a bloody nuisance" ?

C How many teams in the 2006 Fifa World Cup finals were managed by a foreigner?

D Who put Luton on the sporting map this winter?

E Who is Shelley Rudman?

F At which tournament did 18-year-old Andy Murray win his first ATP Tour title in February?

G What was lost after 461 and a half days?

H Who retired at 24?

I When was the last time a team lost an Ashes series 5-0? And which was the team?

J Who won the 2006 London marathon?

K What extreme and dangerous endurance event was won by Justin, Robert and Martin Adkin and James Green (all from Beer in Devon) in a record-breaking 39 days, 3 hours, 32 minutes and 47 seconds?

L In which sport did 28-year-old Bob Cooper, from north London, become world champion?

M On what grounds was Santhi Soundarajan, winner of the 800 metres in the Asian Games, disqualified?

N Where did Michael Schumacher drive his final Formula One race?

O On whose groin did Wayne Rooney place an ill-advised foot?

P David Beckham was revealed to be the UK's richest footballer, with a fortune of £87m. Michael Owen comes second, with £32m. Who comes third, with £28m?

Q How did a horse called Toytown capture the nation's imagination? (No, really - it did.)

R How did a horse called City Affair make the headlines?

S Who will be declared winner of the 2006 Tour de France if Floyd Landis's appeal against his failed drugs test is unsuccessful?

T Who did a Roberto Duran (or, if you prefer, a Roberto Alagna) at the Barbican Centre in York?


A Who became British television's highest-paid star?

B Which £630,000-a-year presenter described women as "dirty whores" and was accused of having a "racist moment" after doing an impression of a "big, fat, black guy"?

C Which £4,666-an-hour presenter showed an unhealthy interest in David Cameron's masturbatory imaginings?

D Who exchanged a basic salary of £140,000 for one of £825,000?

E What - apart from the fact that the former is a spin-off of the latter - links Torchwood to Doctor Who?

F An audience of 3.9 million - on Thursday 13 July - was an unwanted milestone for which celebrated programme? And why?

G In 2006, what linked: Bonnie Holt; Jodie Marsh; Toby Anstis; Alicia Douvall; Laura Sicurello; and Nicholas Owen and Nicole Cutler?

H The final episode of Top of the Pops was broadcast on 30 July. What was the last record played in the programme's 42-year history?

I What was the first record (excluding the theme tune) played on Desert Island Discs after Kirsty Young took over as presenter?

J Which radio presenter accepted a Sony Gold Award with the words: " About fucking time. Sixteen years! Now I'll never have to come to one of these godforsaken nights again."?

K The final of the World Cup drew a UK television audience of nearly 23.5 million. How many watched on BBC and how many on ITV?

Click here for the answers.

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