Elderly people asked for their views on future care in Scotland
The Scottish Government has launched a wide-ranging consultation on care for older people.

Views are being sought to help shape a new strategy for the care of elderly people in Scotland.
The Scottish Government has launched a wide-ranging consultation on the future of care for older people, seeking to establish what is working well and what needs to change.
It will look at the impact of the pandemic on mental health services and improvements to joint working between health and social care services.
Support for self-managing health conditions will also be examined, as will palliative and end-of-life care.
Older people, organisations which help them, and health professionals have been invited to take part in the consultation.
Health Secretary, Humza Yousaf, said: “I want Scotland to be the best place in the world to grow old, with older people living full and rewarding lives, contributing to society and actively involved their health and social care.
“The reshaping and remobilisation of health services following the pandemic provides a unique opportunity to focus on this goal.”
He continued: “The consultation we are launching today will enable older people, and those involved in caring for them, to contribute their views and shape our forthcoming Older People’s Strategy.
“Older people are a vital part of ensuring Scotland’s future success – essential to our communities, our economy, our public services and to society as a whole.
“By working together we can place older people at the centre of the recovery, remove barriers and ensure an effective, joined up approach to healthy ageing.”