Protein World 'Beach body ready' adverts: Campaigners celebrate after ads removed ... because they've reached end of paid cycle
Campaigners claim that images on London underground made 'individuals feel directly inferior'
Campaigners are celebrating after it emerged that the controversial Protein Body advertisements on the London underground would be taken down tomorrow.
The advertisement, featuring a woman wearing a bikini on an eye-catching bright yellow background, has provoked a strong response from many who claim that it promotes an unhealthy body ideal.
However, rather than British company Protein World bowing to pressure it appears as if the adverts have simply run their course and would have been taken down tomorrow irrespective of the controversy.
A Transport for London spokesperson told The Independent that the adverts were “at the end of their advertising cycle” but could not confirm whether official complaints had been made about the adverts.
The spokesperson explained that Protein World had taken out a three week advertising "cycle" which was due to end tomorrow. "Over the coming days the adverts will gradually disappear as they are pasted over. Obviously, they won't all come down at once as that's just not possible."
Meanwhile on Facebook campaigners for the ‘Taking Back the Beach’ protest confirmed that a planned demonstration for this weekend would still be going ahead.
“So apparently the adverts are being taken down tomorrow – huzzah,” reads the latest post.
It continues: “Don't worry this event will still be going forward. It stopped me about the adverts the moment Protein World started bullying its critics on Twitter.”
A petition started on calling for the advert to be removed has reached more than 50,000 signatures.
The post also added that Saturday’s demonstration, planned for 3pm at Speakers Corner, would be a “celebration of all things beautiful”.
Exterion Media, the sole providers of advertising for the London underground, told The Independent in a statement: "We will begin to take the Protein World adverts down tomorrow, as the campaign reaches the end of its cycle."
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