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Whitehall on the big screen

Deputy PM John Prescott thought Marlon Brando should play him in a movie. Here Hollywood casting agent Lucinda Syson presents her all-star Westminster line-up

Thursday 13 April 2006 00:00 BST

Julia Ormond is... Cherie Blair

Why: Cherie is incredibly difficult to cast, predominantly because she doesn't look like anyone else. We went for Julie Walters originally, and thought about Meryl Streep, but they are both wrong. Perhaps you go a bit off the beaten track with Cherie and cast Sigourney Weaver, but again, it doesn't quite work. She's not Geena Davis. She's definitely not Catherine Zeta-Jones. But, because Cherie is heavily involved in the production, and is probably executive producing the film as well, she's going to want a bit of glamour. That road leads to Julia Ormond. You'd need to hire a dialogue coach, fast.

The Film: Cherie Amour

Michael Keaton is... Tony Blair

Why: We thought about Steve Coogan for this role - but it would have to be a bit more light, a bit more knockabout if Steve were doing it. With that said, Steve would be great, and it would be lovely to capture the home-grown, British aspects of Blair. You'd need a lot of situation comedy to make it work if he did it. But if you want Hollywood, you have to go for Michael Keaton. He always gets those roles where he's smiling a lot, but you don't know what's going on behind the smile. It comes down to Keaton's eyes - they might be sinister, they might not be. The Keaton version is not a light version of the Blair story.

The Film: Ugly Rumours

James Gandolfini is... Gordon Brown

Why: Gandolfini's the obvious pick for Brown. The accent would need some work but any part where you have lots of interior shots of Brown in tight conversations would be great if Gandolfini was in front of the camera. If you wanted an action adventure version of the Gordon Brown story, perhaps you'd go for Bruce Willis. But, with the Brown story, you want lots of discussions in dark rooms. So, it's Gandolfini.

The Film: Mr Brown

Colin Firth is... David Cameron

Why: Greg Kinnear, who was in As Good as it Gets with Jack Nicholson, is a sound bet for Cameron. He's not an instant look-a-like for the Tory leader but he's got a certain quality that might work for the role. But if the qualities you want to convey are privileged, but also populist, you might go back to an English staple - Colin Firth. You want to love him, but you're not quite sure. It's Mr Darcy all over again.

The Film: Born to Rule

Jodie Foster is... Patricia Hewitt

Why: Joan Allen has an educated, brittleness to her. You cast Allen if you want a straight, serious take on the character. But if you were going for someone British, you might cast Fiona Shaw. Shaw is stern, but underneath that stern front, you know there might be certain sympathies there. You might also want to consider Patricia Clarkson. But Jodie Foster gets the role - she's a strong woman, with good intensity. She's someone who you want to trust... but do we?

The Film: Patricia

Owen Wilson is... Charles Kennedy

Why: Charles Kennedy throws you all over the place with casting. We ended up with Owen Wilson, who looks nothing like Kennedy, purely because he would be able to bring some dry humour to the role.

You never know whether he's being serious or not - you have to take him with a pinch of salt. The Kennedy movie is a comedy, and Wilson's funny.

The Film: Carry on Charlie

Philip Seymour Hoffman is... Charles Clarke

Why: Philip Seymour Hoffman might not be taken with playing Charles Clarke, but what a film if he did! Clarke, let's say, is not blessed with film star good looks. Perhaps Martin Clunes could play him if he did a Raging Bull and put on 50lb for the role. Jim Broadbent might work for the role too, as might Timothy Spall. But no one brings a character to life like Seymour Hoffman.

The Film: 2CC

William Hurt is... William Hague

Why: You'd be tempted by some English actors - most notably Simon Chandler, who was in the Ali G movie. David Haig, who is a great actor, and also English, would be really interesting to watch in the role. But if you wanted the Hollywood edge, William Hurt would be it. He is quiet and bashful - he's got that thinking man look to him. He doesn't do complete awkwardness, and he could be very witty, too. He would work nicely.

The Film: Hague Confidential

Patrick Stewart is... Menzies Campbell

Why: Ming is quite boring, so, given the choice, we'd offer up the casting on his film to someone else. But, if pressed, we'd go for Patrick Stewart. Campbell might think we were being a bit naughty, but Stewart isn't just the guy who used to be in Star Trek. He's got gravitas - he's in the RSC productions at the moment, and he is, actually, a fantastic actor. He would do really well with the kind of straight biopic you'd need with Campbell.

The Film: The Ming Dynasty

Kevin Spacey is... Peter Mandelson

Why: Adrien Brody and Ralph Fiennes might do it well. Rupert Everett is another obvious choice. But in the end you need something different with Mandelson, and we ended up with Kevin Spacey. He brings a seriousness, and, more importantly, the thin top lip to the role. He also looks great in a suit. The thing you have to get across with Mandelson is that he's a smooth operator, used to gladhanding - he's a smart suit. Spacey can bring all those qualities to a film.

The Film: Oh Mandy!

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