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Pressure mounts for euro vote

Jo Dillon,Deputy Political Editor
Sunday 08 June 2003 00:00 BST

A majority of Labour MPs want a referendum on the single currency before the next general election, according to a new survey.

Of those backbenchers questioned, 13 per cent said they want a referendum now and 37 per cent at some time during this Parliament. A third want a referendum after the next election and 4 per cent don't want one at all.

But two-thirds of Labour MPs believe the Government will fail to hold a euro referendum in this Parliament, according to ITV's Jonathan Dimbleby programme today.

The results will renew pressure on Tony Blair to promptly publish legislation allowing the Government to hold a euro referendum.

Many Labour MPs and party members have urged Mr Blair, ahead of tomorrow's announcement on whether the five economic tests for euro entry have been met - which is widely expected to give a "not yet" verdict - to signal a clear political commitment to the European Union and the single currency. But the PM is still locked in talks with his more sceptical Chancellor, Gordon Brown, over the precise details and timing of a Bill.

Labour is keen to play down any split on the euro - something the Tories are certain to try to exploit. Britain in Europe, the pro-single currency campaign group, published research showing that 80 per cent of Labour constituency chairs favoured an early referendum and 70 per cent of them would campaign for it.

Trade unionists, too, back the euro and many have written to Mr Blair voicing their support. And, in a poll for the Manufacturing Alliance, representing senior manufacturing managers, 90 per cent said they wanted a referendum in this Parliament. Group director Ken Hurst said: "Our survey sends a clear message to the Government. And that is 'Get on with it, Gordon!'"

They are likely to be disappointed tomorrow, however, when the long-awaited assessment of the five tests is published. That in itself will be a significant exercise: 11 delivery vans and two lorries will be used to transport 3,500 packs to Parliament, each of which contains 20 documents. The documents weigh 38 tonnes and will need more than 30 men to deliver them.

Last night, Downing Street refused to comment on speculation that the Prime Minister and the Chancellor were still in dispute over the finer points of the statement and the rare joint press conference they will give on Tuesday. But the decision to make the "patriotic case for Europe" - an admission that Britons are sceptical about the benefits of the EU - will not mollify pro-euro campaigners.

Former minister Peter Kilfoyle, in an interview for The Westminster Hour on BBC Radio 4 tonight, will blame the failure of the pro-euro campaign to take hold in Britain on "the lack of political leadership". "We've had this ridiculous situation where the Prime Minister's saying one thing and the activities of the Government show another."

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