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The likely winner of the German election? Macron and France

Sean O’Grady explains why the successor to Angela Merkel is likely to lack her authority in Europe, thus shifting power towards Paris

Sean O'Grady
Friday 24 September 2021 21:30 BST
Angela Merkel is stepping down as German leader at the country’s forthcoming elections
Angela Merkel is stepping down as German leader at the country’s forthcoming elections (AP)

She is not quite gone yet, but already the shifts in the balance of power can be sensed as Angela Merkel edges, modestly as ever, from the political stage. Not so much, in fact, in Germany, where the two leading candidates are locked in an embarrassing struggle to be the “continuity candidate” to succeed her, mimicking her gestures and adopting her logical, rational approach to policy making. The more momentous change will be felt in Europe, and in particular in the dynamics of the European Union.

While the German election on Sunday seems unlikely to produce a clear winner, there is one man, and one country that has gained an obvious advantage from Merkel’s retirement – Emmanuel Macron, president of the French Republic. With Merkel gone and the UK too, and Italy in no position to offer political leadership to Europe, it will fall to France once again to chart the future course of the union, as it has since the European project began, not long after the Second World War. Merkel’s potential successors, in their last television debate, spent a good deal of time discussing the merits of President Macron’s proposed strengthening of European defence cooperation – a French not a German initiative. When France talks about the EU inheriting its status as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, it is on the clear tacit understanding that a French veto will still be operative, though involving the others, especially Germany, will leverage the EU’s strengths to French advantage. In the latest geopolitical spat about the nascent Australia-UK-US pact, Aukus, all the German leaders take the side of France, jilted by the Australians. Simply in terms of mandate and authority, it will now be Macron who is the pre-eminent European political personality, and French interests that will be best served by European unity.

It has in fact been the case, on and off, for the entire history of the European Communities/Union. Even as German industrial strength recovered and overtook that of France, it was France that exercised the political leadership, in an era when German diplomacy was deliberately low-key and restrained. In most of the rows about integration, usually with the British, the Germans tended to take the French side, and were in any case enthusiastic Europeans, even if it meant sacrificing the German Mark. There were some brief interruptions, such as when Tony Blair cobbled together an informal club of the UK, Spain and Poland to represent what Donald Rumsfeld called “the New Europe”. With the Dutch and the Scandinavians, the British and Germans could sometimes cooperate when the financial integrity of the EU was threatened.

In recent years the Paris-Berlin axis was weakened, or made more balanced, because of the unusually cool personal relations between Merkel and Macron, and that mattered, because Germany paid the bills and Merkel possessed the huge authority that derived from her longevity running the continent’s economic powerhouse. Now she is gone, and into the vacuum has rushed Macron, though he himself faces tough elections next year.

What will it mean? For Europe it will be another bid for what Macron calls “more Europe”. With Ursula von der Leyen, Macron will press on for plans for a European defence identity, despite the doubts of some (Poland, Hungary) at pivoting away from Britain, the US, the transatlantic alliance and NATO and the formal neutrality of others (Sweden, Ireland). It will mean further moves to internationalise European public debt – making German taxpayers liable for Italian, Portuguese and Greek debts. It will mean, very possibly, a rupture in the West, with a French-led EU less keen on confrontation with Russia and China, or indeed anyone. In terms of Brexit, there seems less chance of compromise and concessions from an EU dominated from the Elysee with an angry Macron fulminating around its baroque gilt corridors.

Merkel was a restraining influence on Macron, in crude terms, and none of her successors are going to able to do the same. It will mean the European Union will be both more ambitious but also more divided and fractious in the 2020s, assuming Macron wins his second term next year. Merkel was not just “Mutti” to the Germans, but to the EU too. They may not like or respect their new stepdad quite so much.

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