Only 12 per cent of people can answer these economics questions - can you?
Do you know your universal credit from your universal basic income? Take our quiz and find out

Only 12 per cent of the UK public feel politicians and the media talk about economics in an understandable way, according to a new survey.
The poll by YouGov found 61 per cent of the British public thought economics was discussed in an "inaccessible way that makes it difficult to understand".
The survey, commissioned on behalf of a new digital education project Economy, found that although only one per cent believed economics was unimportant - only 30 per cent knew the meaning of quantitative easing.
Economy’s Joe Richards said: "Economics is really just seven billion people's stories, experiences, and choices. If the approach used by the media and politicians is only accessible to 12% of us, we must change that.
"We need to demystify the language around economics, and breathe life back into a subject that shouldn't just be for experts - it's for everyone."
So how much do you know about the dismal science? Do you know your universal credit from your universal basic income? Take our quiz and find out.
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