Next week in Parliament
MONDAY - Commons: questions to Welsh ministers, Attorney General and the Lord Chancellor's Department; debate opened by Labour on "social division and economic inefficiency"; Local Government Act (Competition) (Defined Activities) Order; Legal Advice and Assistance (Scope) (Amendment) Regulations. Lords: Structural and Boundary Change orders; debate on European film and television industry; debate on exports and inward investment.
TUESDAY - Commons: Employment questions; Prime Minister's questions; debates opened by Liberal Democrats on the rail network and out-of-hours patient care. Lords: Environment Bill, Commons amendments; Crown Agents Bill, Commons amendments.
WEDNESDAY - Commons: House sits at 10am for backbench debates on intensive care beds in London, transport and disposal of nuclear waste, foetal pain, taxation of gilts and bonds, and therapeutic uses of cannabis; Trade and Industry questions; debate on the economy. Lords: Landlord and Tenant Bill, Third Reading; Pensions Bill, Commons amendments; Children (Scotland) Bill, Third Reading.
THURSDAY - Commons: Treasury questions; Prime Minister's questions; estimates debates on Department of Social Security and Ministry of Agriculture spending. Lords: Child Support Bill, Third Reading; Education (Assisted Places) Regulations; Northern Ireland Act (Interim Period Extension) Order. Trade Union and Labour Relations (Northern Ireland) Order.
FRIDAY - Commons: Olympic Symbol (Protection) Bill and Insurance Companies (Reserves) Bill, both Lords amendments. Lords: defence estimates debate; Sexual Orientation (Discrimination) Bill, Second Reading.
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