Natalie Bennett live Facebook Q&A: You ask the questions to the leader of the Green Party
Take part in The Independent's live Facebook Q&A
The leader of the Green Party, Natalie Bennett, will answer your questions on Tuesday 21 April at 1pm.
In an exclusive Q&A on The Independent's Facebook page, voters will have the chance to quiz Ms Bennett directly on anything they like.
The Greens won't win the election, so who does she think should?
As a migrant herself, does she agree with anything Nigel Farage says?
Why would the Greens ban the Grand National? Would they really hand out free condoms?
Just go to tomorrow at 1pm or click 'comment' on the post below to get involved.
We're holding a live Q&A with Green Party leader Natalie Bennett, right here on Facebook. You have the chance to quiz...
Posted by The Independent on Monday, 20 April 2015
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