Leytonstone attack: David Cameron repeats 'You ain't no Muslim bruv' remark and praises man who said it

PM said the man who said the phrase had done 'much better than I ever could'  in denouncing the use of Islam to justify terrorist attacks

Matt Dathan
Online political reporter
Monday 07 December 2015 13:37 GMT
David Cameron praises individual who said 'You ain't no Muslim, bruv'

David Cameron has repeated the remark "you ain't no Muslim, bruv" and praised the man who said it to the suspected Leytonstone Tube attacker.

The 29-year-old suspect, Muhaydin Mire, allegedly shouted "this is for Syria" after an incident in which three people were stabbed in the East London tube station and a video of the man telling the suspected attacker he "ain't no Muslim" has become a unifying call among people condemning the attack.

The Prime Minister said the man had done "much better than I ever could" in denouncing the use of Islam to justify terrorist attacks.

Speaking after a speech on Monday, Mr Cameron said: "Some of us have dedicated speeches and media appearances and sound-bites and everything to this subject but 'you ain't no Muslim, bruv' says it all, much better than I ever could and thank you because that will be applauded all around the country."

Police are treating the Leytonstone stabbing as a terrorist incident because of reports the attacker suggested he acted in revenge for British air strikes on Isis in Syria, launched after a vote in the House of Commons just three days earlier.

The 'you ain't no Muslim bruv' phrase became the top-trending hashtag on Twitter across the UK on Sunday morning, used by Muslims and non-Muslims alike to denounce hate.

Scotland Yard said Mr Mire will appear at Westminster Magistrates Court on Monday charged with attempted murder of a 56-year-old man.

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