Jess Phillips screams 'this is f***ing personal' at Seumas Milne in heated exchange amid growing Labour rift
The Labour party is in turmoil amid attempts to oust leader Jeremy Corbyn

Labour MP Jess Phillips has confronted Jeremy Corbyn’s chief strategist, shouting “This is f***ing personal” at him in Westminster yesterday.
The angry confrontation took place in one of the most public spots in parliament building as tensions in the Labour party are growing increasingly fractured and MPs attempt to topple Mr Corbyn.
The angry exchange between the MP and Strategy and Communications Chief Seumas Milne reportedly happened after a Corbyn supporter appeared to threaten online to ‘take a blow torch’ to Ms Phillips’ neck.
Ms Phillips was frustrated that the issue wasn’t being taken seriously enough, to which Mr Milne responded: “Don’t take it personally.” In response, she shouted: “This is f***ing personal” and branded him a “c*ck”.
She later tweeted that the expression 'take a blow torch to her neck' may have been a slang term to imply she had a 'brass neck' rather than a threat to her safety.
The Labour party is in turmoil as MPs are attempting to oust Mr Corbyn as party leader. He has been perceived by many as playing a passive and unconvincing role in the Remain campaign in the lead-up to the referendum and failing to provide adequate leadership in the days since the Brexit result was announced.
Mr Corbyn lost a no-confidence vote by 172 votes to 40 but is refusing to acquiesce. Pro-Corbyn rallies have been organised in response.
In a statement Mr Corbyn said: “I was democratically elected leader of our party for a new kind of politics by 60 per cent of Labour members and supporters and I will not betray them by resigning.
“The vote by MPs has no constitutional legitimacy.”
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