David Cameron branded a lot of people 'terrorist sympathisers' and they're not happy about it

The PM managed to unite opposition against him

Jon Stone
Wednesday 02 December 2015 10:29 GMT
David Cameron, Prime Minister
David Cameron, Prime Minister (Getty)

On Wednesday, MPs will debate whether or not to bomb Syria. David Cameron is facing the possibility of his own Conservative MPs rebelling.

But he had a plan to make sure they fell in line and backed the war.

It was flawless. He'd just tell MPs...

It's fair to say that not everyone reacted the way he might have hoped.

He managed to unite the Labour party...

...with their bitter rivals SNP...

...and the guitarist from Queen.

Others pointed out where David Cameron's own sympathies lay...

...and who his party had once counted among its enemies.

Had he accused Parliament's own Foreign Affairs Committee of sympathising with Isis?

What about large number of his own Conservative MPs, who would inevitably vote against him?

Or perhaps even... a very large chunk of the British public?

Some commentators suggested he might have deliberately wanted to stoke up a diversion.

Others thought the comments could backfire dramatically.

But despite all the chatter, all that will matter tonight are the numbers.

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