Brexit legal challenge: Nigel Farage says Parliament has ‘no idea what anger they will provoke’ if Article 50 blocked

The political class has ‘no idea of the level of public anger they will provoke’ if they overturn the decision, the interim Ukip leader says

Andrew Griffin
Thursday 03 November 2016 11:39 GMT
The former Ukip leader predicts an outpouring of public anger if Article 50 is blocked or delayed
The former Ukip leader predicts an outpouring of public anger if Article 50 is blocked or delayed (Getty)

Nigel Farage has threatened that parliament risks “huge public anger” if it stops Britain from leaving the EU.

Commenting on the High Court’s decision that parliament must vote on triggering Article 50 and so bring about Brexit, the interim Ukip leader said he worries that a “betrayal may be at hand”.

“Last night at the Spectator Parliamentary Awards I had a distinct feeling that our political class, who were out in force, do not accept the 23rd of June referendum result,” Mr Farage said in a statement.

High court rules Brexit needs Parliamentary approval

“I now fear that every attempt will be made to block or delay the triggering of Article 50. If this is so, they have no idea of the level of public anger they will provoke.”

While it is unclear whether the decision that Article 50 can only be triggered by Parliament will stop it from happening, it is likely to derail the decision and lead to a delay in the Government’s plans.

In one of the most important constitutional cases in generations, three senior judges ruled the Prime Minister does not have power to use the prerogative to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty to begin the UK’s exit from the European Union without the prior authority of Parliament.

The ruling against the Government was made by Lord Chief Justice Lord Thomas, sitting with two other senior judges in London.

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