Brexit: LBC caller voted to take back control from EU 'fascist super-state' but cannot name a single law he dislikes

'I'm not necessarily naming laws, I'm talking about the change,' says Shane from Southall

Jon Sharman
Wednesday 21 June 2017 15:10 BST
Brexit voter fails to name a single law he says he voted to take back control of

A Brexit voter was caught out when he told a radio presenter he wanted to take back control – but could not name a single EU law he opposed.

Shane, from Southall, called into LBC to explain his Leave vote.

He told presenter James O'Brien the EU had become a "fascist super-state controlled from Brussels" and its powers had expanded in the years since the days of the European Economic Community.

Asked to describe the laws he opposed, he said: "I'm not necessarily naming laws, I'm talking about the change."

The Maastrict Treaty represented "giving our power away", the caller added.

Questioned on whether he could be more specific about a law, or change in powers, he disliked, Shane said: "To tell you the truth, I can't."

Mr O'Brien then asked if it would be preferable for countries to have the power of veto over significant change, something that is already the case in a small number of policy areas.

"That would probably be something, yes," Shane replied.

"That still doesn't change the facts," he added, when told of the existence of the veto, which effectively exists in fields that require unanimous decisions among member countries.

"I don't like the fact that we've gone from one thing to another, without being informed," he said.

The Queen's Speech on Wednesday was dominated by Brexit with no fewer than eight bills planned to prepare for the enormous complications and disruptions of departure day, scheduled for March 2019.

In addition to the Repeal Bill, which will transfer all EU law into British law, there will also be legislation on immigration, international sanctions, nuclear safeguards, agriculture, fisheries, trade and customs.

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