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Boris Johnson news - live: Leo Varadkar says Brexit talks making progress but gap between two sides 'still quite wide' as deadline looms

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Adam Forrest,Benjamin Kentish,Zamira Rahim
Tuesday 15 October 2019 18:00 BST
Barnier: Brexit deal still possible this week

Leo Varadkar has announced that Brexit talks are "making progress" but that the gap between the UK and EU is "still quite wide".

Negotiators are racing to conclude an agreement in time for a key EU summit on Thursday, but the Finnish prime minister warned on Tuesday that there was no "practical or legal way" to strike a deal by then. That was rejected by No10, although Boris Johnson's spokesman refused to put a deadline on talks reaching a conclusion.

Earlier, the EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, reportedly told EU27 ministers in Luxembourg that the latest UK proposals were “not yet good enough”. Barnier is said to have told ministers an agreement would have to be reached by the end of Tuesday.

It comes as Emmanuel Macron is said to have raised the possibility of a “technical extension” in a call with the PM. British negotiators, meanwhile, have put forward new proposals in bid to break the deadlock with the European Commission.


No 10 has declined to recognise the deadline reportedly set by Michel Barnier for a legal text to be presented by the end of today in order to get a deal secured at the EU summit.

Asked if he recognises the deadline, the prime minister’s official spokesman said: “We are working hard. The prime minister is aware of the time constraints that we are under.

“We want to make progress towards securing a deal as soon as possible and we want to make progress ahead of the EU council on Thursday."

“If we could provide clarity at this summit then I think that would be a welcome development.

“If the deal can’t be done today or tomorrow then the leaders will have to decide what kind of mandate they want to give Michel Barnier and the UK side will have to respond as well as to how to proceed.”

Adam Forrest15 October 2019 11:48

The latest Tory campaign leaflets reportedly show the party preparing for a delay to the 31 October “do or die” deadline.

Leaflets leaked to the BBC reveal some of the arguments the party may use against The Brexit Party.

Lines used in the leaflets clearly suggests the party is expecting the UK not to have left the EU by the time of a general election, stating: “Without a strong majority government, we can’t deliver Brexit,” and “Nigel Farage can’t deliver Brexit but he could yet block it.”

Other messages aimed at the main opposition parties include “Labour’s Brexit policy is more delay”.

Adam Forrest15 October 2019 12:06

Boris Johnson told French president Emmanuel Macron that UK officials would “continue to work hard” on securing a Brexit deal, Downing Street said.

The PM’s official spokesman said: “The prime minister had a call with President Macron of France this morning in which they discussed the progress of the Brexit talks.

“The prime minister said that in advance of the EU council UK officials would continue to work hard on securing a deal.

“The PM and the president also expressed their deep concerns at the Turkish incursion and agreed to continue to stay in close contact.”

The spokesman characterised the call as a “constructive” and “good discussion” which lasted “20 minutes or so”.

Adam Forrest15 October 2019 12:20

Adam Forrest15 October 2019 12:30
Benjamin Kentish15 October 2019 12:39
Adam Forrest15 October 2019 12:55

The UK government has suspended new arms sales to Turkey amid an international outcry over its offensive against Kurdish forces in Syria. 

Foreign secretary Dominic Raab told parliament no further export licences “for items that might be used in military operations in Syria” would be issued to Turkey until a review had taken place. 

More details here:

Adam Forrest15 October 2019 13:18

Boris Johnson might go to Paris tomorrow for talks with French president Emmanuel Macron, according to BBC Newsnight’s Mark Urban. He suggests the prime minister is desperately trying to get the European Commission to hurry up on agreeing the details of a deal.

Adam Forrest15 October 2019 13:26

Despite the prime minister’s obvious desperation to get a deal done, the Scottish secretary Alister Jack has suggested Boris Johnson could be hoping European leaders will “sympathise” with him and veto any Brexit deal deadline extension so the UK leaves the EU by 31 October.

Explaining that it has been made “very clear” to Johnson that the law states he must write a letter requesting an extension if he fails to get a deal, Jack suggested that he may get sympathy from European countries who may “feel that it’s unfair” to prevent the PM having a no-deal Brexit.

Asked about Johnson’s comments that leaving the EU by October 31 was “do or die”, Jack said: “He can make it very clear that he doesn’t want to ask for that extension, that he’s being forced to ask for that extension and some European leaders may sympathise with him on that and feel that it’s unfair that he should have to do something he doesn't want to do.

“If one of our European partners decides - and it could well be the French president - to use his veto and decides enough is enough, in that situation we would be leaving.”

It’s fair to say some ministers have been a bit behind on the latest No 10 strategy and negotiations in Brussels, so it may not be necessary to pay very much attention to Jack’s comments.

Speaking of which, a number of leading cabinet ministers were seen going into No 10 on Tuesday afternoon. They included chancellor Sajid Javid, foreign secretary Dominic Raab and international trade secretary Liz Truss. Business secretary Andrea Leadsom and culture secretary Nicky Morgan were also seen in Downing Street.

Adam Forrest15 October 2019 13:36

Adam Forrest15 October 2019 13:44

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