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Boris Johnson news – live: Tusk accuses PM of 'stupid blame game', after disastrous Merkel call leaves Brexit talks on brink of collapse

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Adam Forrest,Benjamin Kentish
Tuesday 08 October 2019 21:11 BST
Keir Starmer accuses Boris Johnson of 'reckless blame game'

Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal appears on the verge of collapse after German chancellor Angela Merkel told him over the phone this morning than an agreement is “overwhelmingly unlikely”, according to Downing Street.

Asked if talks with the EU were close to breaking down, a No 10 source told The Independent: “That is what the prime minister told Merkel. They aren’t negotiating or engaging in Brussels.”

A No 10 source has also claimed there were ways to “scupper” the Brexit delay required by the Benn Act. Amber Rudd said Downing Street sounds “angry and desperate”, while EU Council president Donald Tusk accused the prime minister of playing a “stupid blame game”.

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Pro-Brexit group Leave.EU has been condemned for its "racist" and "xenophobic" tweet about Angela Merkel. Here's Lizzy Buchan's full story:

The picture of Ms Merkel carried the caption, 'We didn't win two world wars to be pushed around by a Kraut'

Benjamin Kentish8 October 2019 16:23

NEW: Here's the official Privy Council "Order in Council" that will see Parliament prorogued at the end of today to allow for a Queen's Speech next Monday. 

Benjamin Kentish8 October 2019 16:40
Benjamin Kentish8 October 2019 16:52

Jeremy Corbyn's chief of staff, Karie Murphy, has moved to a new role at the party's headquarters to oversee general election planning, it is understood.

The controversial but highly influential figure had alienated a number of senior shadow cabinet ministers, who had urged Mr Corbyn to move her.

A Labour source said: "As we ramp up campaigning ahead of a general election, we are maximising the use of the resources we have to ensure we are successful.

"Karie will drive this crucial work from HQ, as she did during the last election."

Benjamin Kentish8 October 2019 17:04

Simon Coveney, the Irish foreign minister, has insisted that the UK government must uphold its "responsibilities" in Northern Ireland. 

Speaking in Dublin this afternoon, he said:

"There is a lot of misinformation going around today, so let me say this loud and clear to everybody - the Irish government and the EU is working flat out to achieve a deal that sees an orderly Brexit at the end of this month.

"However, that deal cannot come at any cost. The British government has responsibilities on the island of Ireland."

He added:

"The taoiseach wants to find a compromise here that works but he is not willing to be boxed into a corner and to accept proposals that are not consistent with the current Withdrawal Agreement or the outcomes of the backstop.

"He's been very clear about that and I expect an element of that briefing was to try to put pressure on Ireland and put pressure on the taoiseach and for us, this isn't about pressure or personalities, it's about solving a problem."

Benjamin Kentish8 October 2019 17:17
Benjamin Kentish8 October 2019 17:30

Boris Johnson has failed to meet the deadline to give his response to allegations he failed to declare a conflict of interest over his relationship with Jennifer Arcuri.

The prime minister was given until 6pm today to give details of his contact with the US businesswoman while he was London Mayor, after it was reported she received £126,000 of public money and was invited to accompany Mr Johnson on overseas trade trips.

The London Assembly says it is will consider what action to take at a meeting next week.

Peter Stubley8 October 2019 18:12

Here's political editor Andrew Woodcock with the full report on Boris Johnson's apparent failure to meet the deadline set by the London Assembly.

Peter Stubley8 October 2019 18:41

European Parliament president David Sassoli has emerged from his 40-minute meeting with Boris Johnson to say there are now only two options - extension of Article 50 or no deal.

Peter Stubley8 October 2019 18:58

More on that meeting - which seems to confirm that the prime minister's hopes of reaching an agreement are now dead. Mr Sassoli says he "felt like I was in a TV talk show".

Peter Stubley8 October 2019 19:01

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