Neighbour 'strangled boy of nine'
A NINE-YEAR-OLD boy was stripped naked, strangled and his body dumped in an old army pill box on a golf course, an Old Bailey jury was told yesterday.
The body of Christopher Stanley was found the next day by two boys walking their dog on Hounslow Heath golf course, west London, John Nutting, for the prosecution, said.
He alleged Christopher was murdered by a neighbour, Kelvin McMahon, 24, who lived opposite him in Hounslow. Christopher lived with his grandmother, Diana Stanley, who had brought him up after his parents separated.
Mr McMahon, who denies murder, was seen speaking to Christopher and a seven-year-old friend on the evening last July when he disappeared. The seven-year-old had said Mr McMahon was wearing 'a rude tee-shirt with pictures of ladies with no clothes on the back', Mr Nutting said. Other witnesses had depicted him wearing the tee-shirt that night.
The case continues today.
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