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Who is the 'Bromley Batman'? Rumours of South London's very own superhero are sparked by eyewitness accounts

Mystery vigilante has allegedly saved three people from being mugged, stabbed and attacked

Alexandra Sims
Friday 12 June 2015 20:09 BST

A mystery vigilante, nicknamed the “Bromley Batman”, has been seen in action by several witnesses cleaning up the streets of South London from knife-wielding gangs and muggers.

The incognito hero who wears a mask, combat trousers and is reported to have a “well-groomed beard” first made headlines when he saved a City worker from being robbed by a knife gang in Bromley town centre, South London.

In scenes reminiscent from the TV series Only Fools and Horses, in which Del Boy and his brother Rodney help save a woman from being mugged while dressed up as Batman and Robin, Bromley’s very own superhero kicked aggressors to the ground and swung another into a prickly hedge.

The victim, Ken – who has withheld his name as he has not spoken to his family about the incident – told the Evening Standard that the man came to his rescue “out of nowhere” and was “dressed in combat-style trousers and a tight muscle top, and wearing a black bandanna mask”.

There have now been two further encounters with the mystery hero reported a few miles away in nearby Penge and Lewisham, according to the Evening Standard.

Rumours that the "Batman" may be an expert in martial arts were sparked when a second witness in Penge allegedly saw him put a drunken attacker, who was punching and kicking another man in the street, into a “ninja lock”.

Despite these reports police have received no information of a masked crime fighter in South London.

The man is not the first person to take crime into his own hands. In 2011, a man standing outside a nightclub in Seattle was saved from an attack by a masked, self-proclaimed superhero wearing a muscle bodysuit who doused the aggressor with pepper spray.

However, the police were not best pleased, and jailed the 'hero' for assault, the Associated Press reported.

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